Source code for volatility3.framework.automagic.stacker

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
"""This module attempts to automatically stack layers.

This automagic module fulfills :class:`~volatility3.framework.interfaces.configuration.TranslationLayerRequirement` that are not already fulfilled, by attempting to
stack as many layers on top of each other as possible.  The base/lowest layer is derived from the
"automagic.general.single_location" configuration path.  Layers are then attempting in likely height order, and
once a layer successfully stacks on top of the existing layers, it is removed from the possible choices list
(so no layer type can exist twice in the layer stack).

import logging
import sys
import traceback
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from volatility3 import framework
from volatility3.framework import interfaces, constants
from volatility3.framework.automagic import construct_layers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import physical

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LayerStacker(interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface): """Builds up layers in a single stack. This class mimics the volatility 2 style of stacking address spaces. It builds up various layers based on separate :class:`~volatility3.framework.interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface` classes. These classes are built up based on a `stack_order` class variable each has. This has a high priority to provide other automagic modules as complete a context/configuration tree as possible. Upon completion it will re-call the :class:`~volatility3.framework.automagic.construct_layers.ConstructionMagic`, so that any stacked layers are actually constructed and added to the context. """ # Most important automagic, must happen first! priority = 10 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cached = None def __call__( self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, requirement: interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None, ) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Runs the automagic over the configurable.""" framework.import_files(sys.modules["volatility3.framework.layers"]) # Quick exit if we're not needed if not requirement.unsatisfied(context, config_path): return None # Bow out quickly if the UI hasn't provided a single_location unsatisfied = self.unsatisfied(self.context, self.config_path) if unsatisfied: f"Unable to run LayerStacker, unsatisfied requirement: {unsatisfied}" ) return list(unsatisfied) if not self.config or not self.config.get("single_location", None): raise ValueError( "Unable to run LayerStacker, single_location parameter not provided" ) # Search for suitable requirements self.stack(context, config_path, requirement, progress_callback) if progress_callback is not None: progress_callback(100, "Stacking attempts finished") return None
[docs] def stack( self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, requirement: interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback, ) -> None: """Stacks the various layers and attaches these to a specific requirement. Args: context: Context on which to operate config_path: Configuration path under which to store stacking data requirement: Requirement that should have layers stacked on it progress_callback: Function to provide callback progress """ # If we're cached, find Now we need to find where to apply the stack configuration if self._cached: top_layer_name, subconfig = self._cached result = self.find_suitable_requirements( context, config_path, requirement, [top_layer_name] ) if result: appropriate_config_path, layer_name = result context.config.merge(appropriate_config_path, subconfig) context.config[appropriate_config_path] = top_layer_name return None self._cached = None new_context = context.clone() location = self.config.get("single_location", None) # Setup the local copy of the resource current_layer_name = context.layers.free_layer_name("FileLayer") current_config_path = interfaces.configuration.path_join( config_path, "stack", current_layer_name ) # This must be specific to get us started, setup the config and run new_context.config[ interfaces.configuration.path_join(current_config_path, "location") ] = location physical_layer = physical.FileLayer( new_context, current_config_path, current_layer_name ) new_context.add_layer(physical_layer) stacked_layers = self.stack_layer( new_context, current_layer_name, self.create_stackers_list(), progress_callback, ) if stacked_layers is not None: # Applies the stacked_layers to each requirement in the requirements list result = self.find_suitable_requirements( new_context, config_path, requirement, stacked_layers ) if result: path, layer = result # splice in the new configuration into the original context context.config.merge( path, new_context.layers[layer].build_configuration() ) # Call the construction magic now we may have new things to construct constructor = construct_layers.ConstructionMagic( context, interfaces.configuration.path_join( self.config_path, "ConstructionMagic" ), ) constructor(context, config_path, requirement) # Stash the changed config items self._cached = context.config.get(path, None), context.config.branch( path ) vollog.debug( f"physical_layer maximum_address: {physical_layer.maximum_address}" ) vollog.debug(f"Stacked layers: {stacked_layers}")
[docs] @classmethod def stack_layer( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, initial_layer: str, stack_set: Optional[ List[Type[interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface]] ] = None, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None, ): """Stacks as many possible layers on top of the initial layer as can be done. WARNING: This modifies the context provided and may pollute it with unnecessary layers Recommended use is to: 1. Pass in context.clone() instead of context 2. When provided the layer list, choose the desired layer 3. Build the configuration using layer.build_configuration() 4. Merge the configuration into the original context with context.config.merge() 5. Call Construction magic to reconstruct the layers from just the configuration Args: context: The context on which to operate initial_layer: The name of the initial layer within the context stack_set: A list of StackerLayerInterface objects in the order they should be stacked progress_callback: A function to report progress during the process Returns: A list of layer names that exist in the provided context, stacked in order (highest to lowest) """ # Repeatedly apply "determine what this is" code and build as much up as possible stacked = True stacked_layers = [initial_layer] if stack_set is None: stack_set = list( framework.class_subclasses(interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface) ) for stacker_item in stack_set: if not issubclass(stacker_item, interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface): raise TypeError( f"Stacker {stacker_item.__name__} is not a descendent of StackerLayerInterface" ) while stacked: stacked = False new_layer = None stacker_cls = None for stacker_cls in stack_set: stacker = stacker_cls() try: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, f"Attempting to stack using {stacker_cls.__name__}", ) new_layer = stacker.stack(context, initial_layer, progress_callback) if new_layer: context.layers.add_layer(new_layer) vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, f"Stacked {} using {stacker_cls.__name__}", ) break except Exception as excp: # Stacking exceptions are likely only of interest to developers, so the lowest level of logging fulltrace = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception( excp ).format(chain=True) vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, f"Exception during stacking: {str(excp)}", ) vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "\n".join(fulltrace)) else: stacked = False if new_layer and stacker_cls: stacked_layers = [] + stacked_layers initial_layer = stacked = True stack_set.remove(stacker_cls) return stacked_layers
[docs] def create_stackers_list( self, ) -> List[Type[interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface]]: """Creates the list of stackers to use based on the config option""" stack_set = sorted( framework.class_subclasses(interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface), key=lambda x: x.stack_order, ) stacker_list = self.config.get("stackers", []) if len(stacker_list): result = [] for stacker in stack_set: if stacker.__name__ in stacker_list: result.append(stacker) stack_set = result return stack_set
[docs] @classmethod def find_suitable_requirements( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, requirement: interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface, stacked_layers: List[str], ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: """Looks for translation layer requirements and attempts to apply the stacked layers to it. If it succeeds it returns the configuration path and layer name where the stacked nodes were spliced into the tree. Returns: A tuple of a configuration path and layer name for the top of the stacked layers or None if suitable requirements are not found """ child_config_path = interfaces.configuration.path_join( config_path, ) if isinstance(requirement, requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement): if requirement.unsatisfied(context, config_path): original_setting = context.config.get(child_config_path, None) for layer_name in stacked_layers: context.config[child_config_path] = layer_name if not requirement.unsatisfied(context, config_path): return child_config_path, layer_name # Clean-up to restore the config if original_setting: context.config[child_config_path] = original_setting else: del context.config[child_config_path] else: return child_config_path, context.config.get(child_config_path, None) for req_name, req in requirement.requirements.items(): result = cls.find_suitable_requirements( context, child_config_path, req, stacked_layers ) if result: return result return None
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: # This is not optional for the stacker to run, so optional must be marked as False return [ requirements.URIRequirement( name="single_location", description="Specifies a base location on which to stack", optional=True, ), requirements.ListRequirement( name="stackers", description="List of stackers", optional=True ), ]
[docs] def choose_os_stackers(plugin: Type[interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface]) -> List[str]: """Identifies the stackers that should be run, based on the plugin (and thus os) provided""" plugin_first_level = plugin.__module__.split(".")[2] # Ensure all stackers are loaded framework.import_files(sys.modules["volatility3.framework.layers"]) result = [] for stacker in sorted( framework.class_subclasses(interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface), key=lambda x: x.stack_order, ): if plugin_first_level in stacker.exclusion_list: continue result.append(stacker.__name__) return result