Source code for volatility3.framework.automagic.linux

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import logging
import os
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Type

from volatility3.framework import constants, interfaces
from volatility3.framework.automagic import symbol_cache, symbol_finder
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import intel, scanners
from volatility3.framework.symbols import linux

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LinuxIntelStacker(interfaces.automagic.StackerLayerInterface): stack_order = 35 exclusion_list = ["mac", "windows"]
[docs] @classmethod def stack( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None, ) -> Optional[interfaces.layers.DataLayerInterface]: """Attempts to identify linux within this layer.""" # Version check the SQlite cache required = (1, 0, 0) if not requirements.VersionRequirement.matches_required( required, symbol_cache.SqliteCache.version ): f"SQLiteCache version not suitable: required {required} found {symbol_cache.SqliteCache.version}" ) return None # Bail out by default unless we can stack properly layer = context.layers[layer_name] join = interfaces.configuration.path_join # Never stack on top of an intel layer # FIXME: Find a way to improve this check if isinstance(layer, intel.Intel): return None identifiers_path = os.path.join( constants.CACHE_PATH, constants.IDENTIFIERS_FILENAME ) linux_banners = symbol_cache.SqliteCache( identifiers_path ).get_identifier_dictionary(operating_system="linux") # If we have no banners, don't bother scanning if not linux_banners: "No Linux banners found - if this is a linux plugin, please check your symbol files location" ) return None mss = scanners.MultiStringScanner([x for x in linux_banners if x is not None]) for _, banner in layer.scan( context=context, scanner=mss, progress_callback=progress_callback ): dtb = None vollog.debug(f"Identified banner: {repr(banner)}") isf_path = linux_banners.get(banner, None) if isf_path: table_name = context.symbol_space.free_table_name("LintelStacker") table = linux.LinuxKernelIntermedSymbols( context, "temporary." + table_name, name=table_name, isf_url=isf_path, ) context.symbol_space.append(table) kaslr_shift, aslr_shift = cls.find_aslr( context, table_name, layer_name, progress_callback=progress_callback ) layer_class: Type = intel.Intel if "init_top_pgt" in table.symbols: layer_class = intel.Intel32e dtb_symbol_name = "init_top_pgt" elif "init_level4_pgt" in table.symbols: layer_class = intel.Intel32e dtb_symbol_name = "init_level4_pgt" else: dtb_symbol_name = "swapper_pg_dir" dtb = cls.virtual_to_physical_address( table.get_symbol(dtb_symbol_name).address + kaslr_shift ) # Build the new layer new_layer_name = context.layers.free_layer_name("IntelLayer") config_path = join("IntelHelper", new_layer_name) context.config[join(config_path, "memory_layer")] = layer_name context.config[join(config_path, "page_map_offset")] = dtb context.config[ join(config_path, LinuxSymbolFinder.banner_config_key) ] = str(banner, "latin-1") layer = layer_class( context, config_path=config_path, name=new_layer_name, metadata={"os": "Linux"}, ) layer.config["kernel_virtual_offset"] = aslr_shift if layer and dtb: vollog.debug(f"DTB was found at: 0x{dtb:0x}") return layer vollog.debug("No suitable linux banner could be matched") return None
[docs] @classmethod def find_aslr( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, symbol_table: str, layer_name: str, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Determines the offset of the actual DTB in physical space and its symbol offset.""" init_task_symbol = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "init_task" init_task_json_address = context.symbol_space.get_symbol( init_task_symbol ).address swapper_signature = rb"swapper(\/0|\x00\x00)\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" module = context.module(symbol_table, layer_name, 0) address_mask = context.symbol_space[symbol_table].config.get( "symbol_mask", None ) task_symbol = module.get_type("task_struct") comm_child_offset = task_symbol.relative_child_offset("comm") for offset in context.layers[layer_name].scan( scanner=scanners.RegExScanner(swapper_signature), context=context, progress_callback=progress_callback, ): init_task_address = offset - comm_child_offset init_task = module.object( object_type="task_struct", offset=init_task_address, absolute=True ) if != 0: continue elif ( init_task.has_member("state") and init_task.state.cast("unsigned int") != 0 ): continue # This we get for free aslr_shift = ( int.from_bytes( init_task.files.cast("bytes", length=init_task.files.vol.size), byteorder=init_task.files.vol.data_format.byteorder, ) - module.get_symbol("init_files").address ) kaslr_shift = init_task_address - cls.virtual_to_physical_address( init_task_json_address ) if address_mask: aslr_shift = aslr_shift & address_mask if aslr_shift & 0xFFF != 0 or kaslr_shift & 0xFFF != 0: continue vollog.debug( "Linux ASLR shift values determined: physical {:0x} virtual {:0x}".format( kaslr_shift, aslr_shift ) ) return kaslr_shift, aslr_shift # We don't throw an exception, because we may legitimately not have an ASLR shift, but we report it vollog.debug("Scanners could not determine any ASLR shifts, using 0 for both") return 0, 0
[docs] @classmethod def virtual_to_physical_address(cls, addr: int) -> int: """Converts a virtual linux address to a physical one (does not account of ASLR)""" if addr > 0xFFFFFFFF80000000: return addr - 0xFFFFFFFF80000000 return addr - 0xC0000000
[docs]class LinuxSymbolFinder(symbol_finder.SymbolFinder): """Linux symbol loader based on uname signature strings.""" banner_config_key = "kernel_banner" operating_system = "linux" symbol_class = "volatility3.framework.symbols.linux.LinuxKernelIntermedSymbols" find_aslr = lambda cls, *args: LinuxIntelStacker.find_aslr(*args)[1] exclusion_list = ["mac", "windows"]