Source code for volatility3.framework.automagic.symbol_cache

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import base64
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import sqlite3
import urllib
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple

from volatility3 import framework, schemas
from volatility3.framework import constants, interfaces
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import resources
from volatility3.framework.symbols import intermed

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BannersType = Dict[bytes, List[str]]

### Identifiers

[docs] class IdentifierProcessor: operating_system = None def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_identifier(cls, json) -> Optional[bytes]: """Method to extract the identifier from a particular operating system's JSON Returns: identifier is valid or None if not found """ raise NotImplementedError( "This base class has no get_identifier method defined" )
[docs] class WindowsIdentifier(IdentifierProcessor): operating_system = "windows" separator = "|"
[docs] @classmethod def get_identifier(cls, json) -> Optional[bytes]: """Returns the identifier for the file if one can be found""" windows_metadata = json.get("metadata", {}).get("windows", {}).get("pdb", {}) if windows_metadata: guid = windows_metadata.get("GUID", None) age = windows_metadata.get("age", None) database = windows_metadata.get("database", None) if guid and age and database: return cls.generate(database, guid, age) return None
[docs] @classmethod def generate(cls, pdb_name: str, guid: str, age: int) -> bytes: return bytes(cls.separator.join([pdb_name, guid.upper(), str(age)]), "latin-1")
[docs] class MacIdentifier(IdentifierProcessor): operating_system = "mac"
[docs] @classmethod def get_identifier(cls, json) -> Optional[bytes]: mac_banner = ( json.get("symbols", {}).get("version", {}).get("constant_data", None) ) if mac_banner: return base64.b64decode(mac_banner) return None
[docs] class LinuxIdentifier(IdentifierProcessor): operating_system = "linux"
[docs] @classmethod def get_identifier(cls, json) -> Optional[bytes]: linux_banner = ( json.get("symbols", {}).get("linux_banner", {}).get("constant_data", None) ) if linux_banner: return base64.b64decode(linux_banner) return None
### CacheManagers
[docs] class CacheManagerInterface(interfaces.configuration.VersionableInterface): def __init__(self, filename: str): super().__init__() self._filename = filename self._classifiers = {} for subclazz in framework.class_subclasses(IdentifierProcessor): self._classifiers[subclazz.operating_system] = subclazz
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_identifier(self, location: str, operating_system: str, identifier: str): """Adds an identifier to the store"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def find_location( self, identifier: bytes, operating_system: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the location of the symbol file given the identifier Args: identifier: string that uniquely identifies a particular symbol table operating_system: optional string to restrict identifiers to just those for a particular operating system Returns: The location of the symbols file that matches the identifier """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_local_locations(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns a list of all the local locations"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self): """Locates all files under the symbol directories. Updates the cache with additions, modifications and removals. This also updates remote locations based on a cache timeout. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_identifier_dictionary( self, operating_system: Optional[str] = None, local_only: bool = False ) -> Dict[bytes, str]: """Returns a dictionary of identifiers and locations Args: operating_system: If set, limits responses to a specific operating system local_only: Returns only local locations Returns: A dictionary of identifiers mapped to a location """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_identifier(self, location: str) -> Optional[bytes]: """Returns an identifier based on a specific location or None"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_identifiers(self, operating_system: Optional[str]) -> List[bytes]: """Returns all identifiers for a particular operating system"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_location_statistics( self, location: str ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: """Returns ISF statistics based on the location Returns: A tuple of base_types, types, enums, symbols, or None is location not found """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_hash(self, location: str) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the hash of the JSON from within a location ISF"""
[docs] class SqliteCache(CacheManagerInterface): _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) _version = (1, 0, 0) def __init__(self, filename: str): super().__init__(filename) self.cache_period = constants.SQLITE_CACHE_PERIOD try: self._database = self._connect_storage(filename) except sqlite3.DatabaseError: os.unlink(filename) self._database = self._connect_storage(filename) def _connect_storage(self, path: str) -> sqlite3.Connection: database = sqlite3.connect(path) database.row_factory = sqlite3.Row database.cursor().execute( f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_info (schema_version INT DEFAULT {constants.CACHE_SQLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION})" ) schema_version = ( database.cursor() .execute("SELECT schema_version FROM database_info") .fetchone() ) if not schema_version: database.cursor().execute( f"INSERT INTO database_info VALUES ({constants.CACHE_SQLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION})" ) elif schema_version["schema_version"] == constants.CACHE_SQLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION: # All good, so pass and move on pass else: f"Previous cache schema version found: {schema_version['schema_version']}" ) # TODO: Implement code if the schema changes # Current this should never happen so we start over again database.close() os.unlink(path) return self._connect_storage(path) database.cursor().execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cache (location TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, identifier TEXT, operating_system TEXT, hash TEXT," "stats_base_types INT DEFAULT 0, stats_types INT DEFAULT 0, stats_enums INT DEFAULT 0, stats_symbols INT DEFAULT 0, local BOOL, cached DATETIME)" ) database.commit() return database
[docs] def find_location( self, identifier: bytes, operating_system: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the location of the symbol file given the identifier. If multiple locations exist for an identifier, the last found is returned Args: identifier: string that uniquely identifies a particular symbol table operating_system: optional string to restrict identifiers to just those for a particular operating system Returns: The location of the symbols file that matches the identifier or None """ statement = "SELECT location FROM cache WHERE identifier = ?" parameters = (identifier,) if operating_system is not None: statement = "SELECT location FROM cache WHERE identifier = ? AND operating_system = ?" parameters = (identifier, operating_system) results = self._database.cursor().execute(statement, parameters).fetchall() result = None for row in results: result = row["location"] return result
[docs] def get_local_locations(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: result = ( self._database.cursor() .execute("SELECT DISTINCT location FROM cache WHERE local = 1") .fetchall() ) for row in result: yield row["location"]
[docs] def is_url_local(self, url: str) -> bool: """Determines whether an url is local or not""" parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) return parsed.scheme in ["file", "jar"]
[docs] def get_identifier(self, location: str) -> Optional[bytes]: results = ( self._database.cursor() .execute("SELECT identifier FROM cache WHERE location = ?", (location,)) .fetchall() ) for row in results: return row["identifier"] return None
[docs] def get_location_statistics( self, location: str ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: results = ( self._database.cursor() .execute( "SELECT stats_base_types, stats_types, stats_enums, stats_symbols FROM cache WHERE location = ?", (location,), ) .fetchall() ) for row in results: return ( row["stats_base_types"], row["stats_types"], row["stats_enums"], row["stats_symbols"], ) return None
[docs] def get_hash(self, location: str) -> Optional[str]: results = ( self._database.cursor() .execute("SELECT hash FROM cache WHERE location = ?", (location,)) .fetchall() ) for row in results: return row["hash"] return None
[docs] def update(self, progress_callback=None): """Locates all files under the symbol directories. Updates the cache with additions, modifications and removals. This also updates remote locations based on a cache timeout. """ if progress_callback is None: def dummy_progress(*args, **kargs) -> None: return None progress_callback = dummy_progress on_disk_locations = set( [ filename for filename in intermed.IntermediateSymbolTable.file_symbol_url("") ] ) cached_locations = set(self.get_local_locations()) new_locations = on_disk_locations.difference(cached_locations) missing_locations = cached_locations.difference(on_disk_locations) # Missing entries if missing_locations: self._database.cursor().execute( f"DELETE FROM cache WHERE location IN ({','.join(['?'] * len(missing_locations))})", [x for x in missing_locations], ) self._database.commit() cache_update = set() files_to_timestamp = on_disk_locations.intersection(cached_locations) if files_to_timestamp: result = self._database.cursor().execute( "SELECT location, cached FROM cache WHERE local = 1 " f"AND cached < date('now', '{self.cache_period}');" ) for row in result: location = row["location"] stored_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(row["cached"]) timestamp = stored_timestamp # Default to requiring update # See if the file is a local URL type we can handle: parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(location) pathname = None if parsed.scheme == "file": pathname = urllib.request.url2pathname(parsed.path) if parsed.scheme == "jar": inner_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(parsed.path) if inner_url.scheme == "file": pathname = inner_url.path.split("!")[0] if pathname and os.path.exists(pathname): timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.stat(pathname).st_mtime ) else: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "File location in database classed as local but not file/jar URL", ) # If we're supposed to include it, and our last check is older than (or equal to) the file timestamp if ( row["location"] in files_to_timestamp and stored_timestamp < timestamp ): cache_update.add(row["location"]) idextractors = list(framework.class_subclasses(IdentifierProcessor)) # New or not recently updated files_to_process = new_locations.union(cache_update) number_files_to_process = len(files_to_process) cursor = self._database.cursor() try: for counter, location in enumerate(files_to_process): # Open location progress_callback( counter * 100 / number_files_to_process, f"Updating caches for {number_files_to_process} files...", ) try: with resources.ResourceAccessor().open(location) as fp: json_obj = json.load(fp) hash = schemas.create_json_hash(json_obj) identifier = None # Get stats stats_base_types = len(json_obj.get("base_types", {})) stats_types = len(json_obj.get("user_types", {})) stats_enums = len(json_obj.get("enums", {})) stats_symbols = len(json_obj.get("symbols", {})) operating_system = None for idextractor in idextractors: identifier = idextractor.get_identifier(json_obj) if identifier is not None: operating_system = idextractor.operating_system break # We don't try to validate schemas here, we do that on first use # Store in database cursor.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cache (location, identifier, operating_system, hash," "stats_base_types, stats_types, stats_enums, stats_symbols, " "local, cached) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, datetime('now'))", ( location, identifier, operating_system, hash, stats_base_types, stats_types, stats_enums, stats_symbols, self.is_url_local(location), ), ) if identifier is not None: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VV, f"Identified {location} as {identifier}", ) else: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, f"No identifier found for {location}", ) except Exception as excp: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, excp) finally: self._database.commit() # Remote Entries if not constants.OFFLINE and constants.REMOTE_ISF_URL: progress_callback(0, "Reading remote ISF list") cursor = self._database.cursor() cursor.execute( f"SELECT cached FROM cache WHERE local = 0 and cached < datetime('now', '{self.cache_period}')" ) remote_identifiers = RemoteIdentifierFormat(constants.REMOTE_ISF_URL) progress_callback(50, "Reading remote ISF list") for operating_system in constants.OS_CATEGORIES: identifiers = remote_identifiers.process( {}, operating_system=operating_system ) for identifier, location in identifiers: identifier = identifier.rstrip() identifier = ( identifier[:-1] if identifier.endswith(b"\x00") else identifier ) # Linux banners dumped by dwarf2json end with "\x00\n". If not stripped, the banner cannot match. cursor.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cache(identifier, location, operating_system, local, cached) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, datetime('now'))", (identifier, location, operating_system, False), ) progress_callback(100, "Reading remote ISF list") self._database.commit()
[docs] def get_identifier_dictionary( self, operating_system: Optional[str] = None, local_only: bool = False ) -> Dict[bytes, str]: output = {} additions = [] statement = "SELECT location, identifier FROM cache" if local_only: additions.append("local = 1") if operating_system: additions.append(f"operating_system = '{operating_system}'") if additions: statement += f" WHERE {' AND '.join(additions)}" results = self._database.cursor().execute(statement) for row in results: if row["identifier"] in output and row["identifier"] and row["location"]: vollog.debug( f"Duplicate entry for identifier {row['identifier']}: {row['location']} and {output[row['identifier']]}" ) output[row["identifier"]] = row["location"] return output
[docs] def get_identifiers(self, operating_system: Optional[str]) -> List[bytes]: if operating_system: results = ( self._database.cursor() .execute( "SELECT identifier FROM cache WHERE operating_system = ?", (operating_system,), ) .fetchall() ) else: results = ( self._database.cursor() .execute("SELECT identifier FROM cache") .fetchall() ) output = [] for row in results: output.append(row["identifier"]) return output
[docs] def load_cache_manager(cache_file: Optional[str] = None) -> CacheManagerInterface: """Loads a cache manager based on a specific cache file""" if cache_file is None: cache_file = os.path.join(constants.CACHE_PATH, constants.IDENTIFIERS_FILENAME) # Different implementations of cache if not os.path.exists(cache_file): raise ValueError("Non-existant cache file provided") with open(cache_file, "rb") as fp: header = if header not in [b"SQLi"]: raise ValueError("Identifier file not in recognized format") # Currently only one choice, so use that return SqliteCache(cache_file)
### Automagic
[docs] class SymbolCacheMagic(interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface): """Runs through all symbol tables and caches their identifiers""" priority = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) identifiers_path = os.path.join( constants.CACHE_PATH, constants.IDENTIFIERS_FILENAME ) self._cache = SqliteCache(identifiers_path) def __call__(self, context, config_path, configurable, progress_callback=None): """Runs the automagic over the configurable.""" self._cache.update(progress_callback)
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: """Returns a list of RequirementInterface objects required by this object.""" return [ requirements.VersionRequirement( name="SQLiteCache", component=SqliteCache, version=(1, 0, 0) ) ]
[docs] class RemoteIdentifierFormat: def __init__(self, location: str): self._location = location with resources.ResourceAccessor().open(url=location) as fp: self._data = json.load(fp) if not self._verify(): raise ValueError("Unsupported version for remote identifier list format") def _verify(self) -> bool: version = self._data.get("version", 0) if version in [1]: setattr(self, "process", getattr(self, f"process_v{version}")) return True return False
[docs] def process( self, identifiers: Dict[bytes, List[str]], operating_system: Optional[str] ) -> Generator[Tuple[bytes, str], None, None]: raise ValueError("Identifier List version not verified")
[docs] def process_v1( self, identifiers: Optional[Dict[bytes, List[str]]], operating_system: Optional[str], ) -> Generator[Tuple[bytes, str], None, None]: if operating_system in self._data: for identifier in self._data[operating_system]: binary_identifier = base64.b64decode(identifier) for value in self._data[operating_system][identifier]: yield binary_identifier, value if "additional" in self._data: for location in self._data["additional"]: try: subrbf = RemoteIdentifierFormat(location) yield from subrbf.process(identifiers, operating_system) except OSError: vollog.debug(f"Remote file not found: {location}") return identifiers