Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2020 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import logging
from struct import unpack
from typing import Tuple

from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4, AES
from Crypto.Hash import HMAC

from volatility3.framework import interfaces, renderers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import registry
from import versions
from import hashdump, lsadump
from import hivelist

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Cachedump(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Dumps lsa secrets from memory""" _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) _version = (1, 0, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls): return [ requirements.ModuleRequirement( name="kernel", description="Windows kernel", architectures=["Intel32", "Intel64"], ), requirements.PluginRequirement( name="hivelist", plugin=hivelist.HiveList, version=(1, 0, 0) ), requirements.PluginRequirement( name="lsadump", plugin=lsadump.Lsadump, version=(1, 0, 0) ), requirements.PluginRequirement( name="hashdump", plugin=hashdump.Hashdump, version=(1, 1, 0) ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_nlkm( sechive: registry.RegistryHive, lsakey: bytes, is_vista_or_later: bool ): return lsadump.Lsadump.get_secret_by_name( sechive, "NL$KM", lsakey, is_vista_or_later )
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt_hash(edata: bytes, nlkm: bytes, ch, xp: bool): if xp: hmac_md5 =, ch) rc4key = hmac_md5.digest() rc4 = data = rc4.encrypt(edata) # lgtm [py/weak-cryptographic-algorithm] else: # Based on code from aes =[16:32], AES.MODE_CBC, ch) data = b"" for i in range(0, len(edata), 16): buf = edata[i : i + 16] if len(buf) < 16: buf += (16 - len(buf)) * b"\00" data += aes.decrypt(buf) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_cache_entry(cache_data: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, int, bytes, bytes]: (uname_len, domain_len) = unpack("<HH", cache_data[:4]) if len(cache_data[60:62]) == 0: return (uname_len, domain_len, 0, b"", b"") (domain_name_len,) = unpack("<H", cache_data[60:62]) ch = cache_data[64:80] enc_data = cache_data[96:] return (uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len, enc_data, ch)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_decrypted_cache( dec_data: bytes, uname_len: int, domain_len: int, domain_name_len: int ) -> Tuple[str, str, str, bytes]: """Get the data from the cache and separate it into the username, domain name, and hash data""" uname_offset = 72 pad = 2 * ((uname_len / 2) % 2) domain_offset = int(uname_offset + uname_len + pad) pad = 2 * ((domain_len / 2) % 2) domain_name_offset = int(domain_offset + domain_len + pad) hashh = dec_data[:0x10] username = dec_data[uname_offset : uname_offset + uname_len].decode( "utf-16-le", "replace" ) domain = dec_data[domain_offset : domain_offset + domain_len].decode( "utf-16-le", "replace" ) domain_name = dec_data[ domain_name_offset : domain_name_offset + domain_name_len ].decode("utf-16-le", "replace") return (username, domain, domain_name, hashh)
def _generator(self, syshive, sechive): if not syshive or not sechive: if syshive is None: vollog.warning("Unable to locate SYSTEM hive") if sechive is None: vollog.warning("Unable to locate SECURITY hive") return None bootkey = hashdump.Hashdump.get_bootkey(syshive) if not bootkey: vollog.warning("Unable to find bootkey") return None kernel = self.context.modules[self.config["kernel"]] vista_or_later = versions.is_vista_or_later( context=self.context, symbol_table=kernel.symbol_table_name ) lsakey = lsadump.Lsadump.get_lsa_key(sechive, bootkey, vista_or_later) if not lsakey: vollog.warning("Unable to find lsa key") return None nlkm = self.get_nlkm(sechive, lsakey, vista_or_later) if not nlkm: vollog.warning("Unable to find nlkma key") return None cache = hashdump.Hashdump.get_hive_key(sechive, "Cache") if not cache: vollog.warning("Unable to find cache key") return None for cache_item in cache.get_values(): if cache_item.Name == "NL$Control": continue data = + 4, cache_item.DataLength) if data is None: continue ( uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len, enc_data, ch, ) = self.parse_cache_entry(data) # Skip if nothing in this cache entry if uname_len == 0 or len(ch) == 0: continue dec_data = self.decrypt_hash(enc_data, nlkm, ch, not vista_or_later) (username, domain, domain_name, hashh) = self.parse_decrypted_cache( dec_data, uname_len, domain_len, domain_name_len ) yield (0, (username, domain, domain_name, hashh))
[docs] def run(self): offset = self.config.get("offset", None) syshive = sechive = None kernel = self.context.modules[self.config["kernel"]] for hive in hivelist.HiveList.list_hives( self.context, self.config_path, kernel.layer_name, kernel.symbol_table_name, hive_offsets=None if offset is None else [offset], ): if hive.get_name().split("\\")[-1].upper() == "SYSTEM": syshive = hive if hive.get_name().split("\\")[-1].upper() == "SECURITY": sechive = hive return renderers.TreeGrid( [("Username", str), ("Domain", str), ("Domain name", str), ("Hash", bytes)], self._generator(syshive, sechive), )