Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import codecs
import contextlib
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Generator, List, Tuple

from volatility3.framework import constants, exceptions, interfaces, renderers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers.physical import BufferDataLayer
from volatility3.framework.layers.registry import RegistryHive
from volatility3.framework.renderers import conversion, format_hints
from volatility3.framework.symbols import intermed
from import hivelist

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UserAssist(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Print userassist registry keys and information.""" _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._userassist_size = 0 self._userassist_type_name = "_VOL_USERASSIST_TYPES_7" self._reg_table_name = None self._win7 = None # taken from try: with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "userassist.json"), "rb" ) as fp: self._folder_guids = json.load(fp) except IOError: vollog.error("Usersassist data file not found")
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: return [ requirements.ModuleRequirement( name="kernel", description="Windows kernel", architectures=["Intel32", "Intel64"], ), requirements.IntRequirement( name="offset", description="Hive Offset", default=None, optional=True ), requirements.PluginRequirement( name="hivelist", plugin=hivelist.HiveList, version=(1, 0, 0) ), ]
[docs] def parse_userassist_data(self, reg_val): """Reads the raw data of a _CM_KEY_VALUE and returns a dict of userassist fields.""" item = { "id": renderers.UnparsableValue(), "count": renderers.UnparsableValue(), "focus": renderers.UnparsableValue(), "time": renderers.UnparsableValue(), "lastupdated": renderers.UnparsableValue(), "rawdata": renderers.UnparsableValue(), } userassist_data = reg_val.decode_data() if userassist_data is None: return item item["rawdata"] = userassist_data if self._win7 is None: # if OS is still unknown at this point, return the default item which just has the rawdata return item if len(userassist_data) < self._userassist_size: return item userassist_layer_name = self.context.layers.free_layer_name("userassist_buffer") buffer = BufferDataLayer( self.context, self._config_path, userassist_layer_name, userassist_data ) self.context.add_layer(buffer) userassist_obj = self.context.object( object_type=self._reg_table_name + constants.BANG + self._userassist_type_name, layer_name=userassist_layer_name, offset=0, ) if self._win7: item["id"] = renderers.NotApplicableValue() item["count"] = int(userassist_obj.Count) seconds = (userassist_obj.FocusTime + 500) / 1000.0 time = ( datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) if seconds > 0 else userassist_obj.FocusTime ) item["focus"] = int(userassist_obj.FocusCount) item["time"] = str(time) else: item["id"] = int(userassist_obj.ID) item["count"] = int( userassist_obj.CountStartingAtFive if userassist_obj.CountStartingAtFive < 5 else userassist_obj.CountStartingAtFive - 5 ) item["focus"] = renderers.NotApplicableValue() item["time"] = renderers.NotApplicableValue() item["lastupdated"] = conversion.wintime_to_datetime( userassist_obj.LastUpdated.QuadPart ) return item
def _determine_userassist_type(self) -> None: """Determine the userassist type and size depending on the OS version.""" if self._win7 is True: self._userassist_type_name = "_VOL_USERASSIST_TYPES_7" elif self._win7 is False: self._userassist_type_name = "_VOL_USERASSIST_TYPES_XP" self._userassist_size = self.context.symbol_space.get_type( self._reg_table_name + constants.BANG + self._userassist_type_name ).size def _win7_or_later(self) -> bool: # TODO: change this if there is a better way of determining the OS version # _KUSER_SHARED_DATA.CookiePad is in Windows 6.1 (Win7) and later kernel = self.context.modules[self.config["kernel"]] return self.context.symbol_space.get_type( kernel.symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_KUSER_SHARED_DATA" ).has_member("CookiePad")
[docs] def list_userassist( self, hive: RegistryHive ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, Tuple], None, None]: """Generate userassist data for a registry hive.""" kernel = self.context.modules[self.config["kernel"]] hive_name = hive.hive.cast( kernel.symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_CMHIVE" ).get_name() if self._win7 is None: with contextlib.suppress(exceptions.SymbolError): self._win7 = self._win7_or_later() # self._win7 will be None and only registry value rawdata will be output self._determine_userassist_type() userassist_node_path = hive.get_key( "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\userassist", return_list=True, ) if not userassist_node_path: vollog.warning("list_userassist did not find a valid node_path (or None)") return None if not isinstance(userassist_node_path, list): vollog.warning("userassist_node_path did not return a list as expected") return None userassist_node = userassist_node_path[-1] # iterate through the GUIDs under the userassist key for guidkey in userassist_node.get_subkeys(): # each guid key should have a Count key in it for countkey in guidkey.get_subkeys(): countkey_path = countkey.get_key_path() countkey_last_write_time = conversion.wintime_to_datetime( countkey.LastWriteTime.QuadPart ) # output the parent Count key result: Tuple[ int, Tuple[ format_hints.Hex, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, ], ] = ( 0, ( renderers.format_hints.Hex(hive.hive_offset), hive_name, countkey_path, countkey_last_write_time, "Key", renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), ), ) yield result # output any subkeys under Count for subkey in countkey.get_subkeys(): subkey_name = subkey.get_name() result = ( 1, ( renderers.format_hints.Hex(hive.hive_offset), hive_name, countkey_path, countkey_last_write_time, "Subkey", subkey_name, renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), renderers.NotApplicableValue(), ), ) yield result # output any values under Count for value in countkey.get_values(): value_name = value.get_name() with contextlib.suppress(UnicodeDecodeError): value_name = codecs.encode(value_name, "rot_13") if self._win7: guid = value_name.split("\\")[0] if guid in self._folder_guids: value_name = value_name.replace( guid, self._folder_guids[guid] ) userassist_data_dict = self.parse_userassist_data(value) result = ( 1, ( renderers.format_hints.Hex(hive.hive_offset), hive_name, countkey_path, countkey_last_write_time, "Value", value_name, userassist_data_dict["id"], userassist_data_dict["count"], userassist_data_dict["focus"], userassist_data_dict["time"], userassist_data_dict["lastupdated"], format_hints.HexBytes(userassist_data_dict["rawdata"]), ), ) yield result
def _generator(self): hive_offsets = None if self.config.get("offset", None) is not None: hive_offsets = [self.config.get("offset", None)] kernel = self.context.modules[self.config["kernel"]] # get all the user hive offsets or use the one specified for hive in hivelist.HiveList.list_hives( context=self.context, base_config_path=self.config_path, layer_name=kernel.layer_name, symbol_table=kernel.symbol_table_name, filter_string="ntuser.dat", hive_offsets=hive_offsets, ): try: yield from self.list_userassist(hive) continue except exceptions.PagedInvalidAddressException as excp: vollog.debug( f"Invalid address identified in Hive: {hex(excp.invalid_address)}" ) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException as excp: vollog.debug( "Invalid address identified in lower layer {}: {}".format( excp.layer_name, excp.invalid_address ) ) except KeyError: vollog.debug( "Key '{}' not found in Hive at offset {}.".format( "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\userassist", hex(hive.hive_offset), ) ) # yield UnreadableValues when an exception occurs for a given hive_offset result = ( 0, ( renderers.format_hints.Hex(hive.hive_offset), if else renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), renderers.UnreadableValue(), ), ) yield result
[docs] def run(self): self._reg_table_name = intermed.IntermediateSymbolTable.create( self.context, self._config_path, "windows", "registry" ) return renderers.TreeGrid( [ ("Hive Offset", renderers.format_hints.Hex), ("Hive Name", str), ("Path", str), ("Last Write Time", datetime.datetime), ("Type", str), ("Name", str), ("ID", int), ("Count", int), ("Focus Count", int), ("Time Focused", str), ("Last Updated", datetime.datetime), ("Raw Data", format_hints.HexBytes), ], self._generator(), )