Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2024 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

from typing import Iterable, Generator, List, Tuple

from volatility3.framework import constants, interfaces, renderers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.interfaces.configuration import RequirementInterface
from volatility3.framework.interfaces.objects import ObjectInterface
from volatility3.framework.objects import Bytes, DataFormatInfo, Integer, StructType
from volatility3.framework.objects.templates import ObjectTemplate
from volatility3.framework.objects.utility import array_to_string
from volatility3.framework.renderers import format_hints
from volatility3.framework.symbols import intermed
from import pe

from import modules

[docs]class Passphrase(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """TrueCrypt Cached Passphrase Finder""" _version = (0, 1, 0) _required_framework_version = (2, 5, 2)
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[RequirementInterface]: return [ requirements.ModuleRequirement( "kernel", description="Windows kernel", architectures=["Intel32", "Intel64"], ), requirements.VersionRequirement( name="modules", component=modules.Modules, version=(1, 1, 0) ), requirements.IntRequirement( name="min-length", description="Minimum length of passphrases to identify", default=5, optional=True, ), ]
[docs] def scan_module( self, module_base: int, layer_name: str ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, str], None, None]: """Scans the TrueCrypt kernel module for cached passphrases. Args: module_base: the module's DLL base layer_name: the name of the layer in which the module resides Generates: A tuple of the offset at which a password is found, and the password """ pe_table_name = intermed.IntermediateSymbolTable.create( self.context, self.config_path, "windows", "pe", class_types=pe.class_types ) dos_header: pe.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER = self.context.object( pe_table_name + constants.BANG + "_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER", layer_name, module_base, ) data_section: StructType = next( sec for sec in dos_header.get_nt_header().get_sections() if array_to_string(sec.Name) == ".data" ) base: int = data_section.VirtualAddress + module_base size: int = data_section.Misc.VirtualSize # Looking at `Length` in TrueCrypt/Common/Password.h::Password struct DWORD_SIZE_BYTES: int = 4 format = DataFormatInfo( length=DWORD_SIZE_BYTES, byteorder="little", signed=True ) int32 = ObjectTemplate( Integer, pe_table_name + constants.BANG + "int", data_format=format ) count, not_aligned = divmod(size, DWORD_SIZE_BYTES) if not_aligned: raise ValueError("PE data section not DWORD-aligned!") lengths = self.context.object( pe_table_name + constants.BANG + "array", layer_name, base, count=count, subtype=int32, ) min_length = self.config.get("min-length") for length in lengths: # TrueCrypt maximum password length is 64 # (see TrueCrypt/Common/Password.h) if not min_length <= length <= 64: continue offset = length.vol["offset"] + DWORD_SIZE_BYTES passphrase: Bytes = self.context.object( pe_table_name + constants.BANG + "bytes", layer_name, offset, length=length, ) # TrueCrypt/Common/Password.c permits chars in the range # [0x20, 0x7F). if not all(0x20 <= c < 0x7F for c in passphrase): continue # TrueCrypt/Common/Password.h::Password struct is padded with # 3 zero bytes to keep 64-byte alignment. buf: Bytes = self.context.object( pe_table_name + constants.BANG + "bytes", layer_name, offset + length + 1, # +1 for '\0'-terminated password string length=3, ) if any(buf): continue # Password found. yield offset, passphrase.decode(encoding="ascii")
def _generator(self): kernel = self.context.modules[self.config["kernel"]] mods: Iterable[ObjectInterface] = modules.Modules.list_modules( self.context, kernel.layer_name, kernel.symbol_table_name ) truecrypt_module_base = next( mod.DllBase for mod in mods if mod.BaseDllName.get_string().lower() == "truecrypt.sys" ) for offset, password in self.scan_module( truecrypt_module_base, kernel.layer_name ): yield (0, (format_hints.Hex(offset), len(password), password))
[docs] def run(self) -> renderers.TreeGrid: return renderers.TreeGrid( [ ("Offset", format_hints.Hex), ("Length", int), ("Password", str), ], self._generator(), )