Source code for volatility3.framework.layers.scanners

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import re
from typing import Generator, List, Tuple, Dict, Optional

from volatility3.framework.interfaces import layers
from volatility3.framework.layers.scanners import multiregexp

[docs]class BytesScanner(layers.ScannerInterface): thread_safe = True _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) def __init__(self, needle: bytes) -> None: super().__init__() self.needle = needle def __call__(self, data: bytes, data_offset: int) -> Generator[int, None, None]: """Runs through the data looking for the needle, and yields all offsets where the needle is found.""" find_pos = data.find(self.needle) while find_pos >= 0: # Ensure that if we're in the overlap, we don't report it # It'll be returned when the next block is scanned if find_pos < self.chunk_size: yield find_pos + data_offset find_pos = data.find(self.needle, find_pos + 1)
[docs]class RegExScanner(layers.ScannerInterface): """A scanner that can be provided with a bytes-object regular expression pattern The scanner will scan all blocks for the regular expression and report the absolute offset of any finds The default flags include DOTALL, since the searches are through binary data and the newline character should have no specific significance in such searches""" thread_safe = True _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) def __init__(self, pattern: bytes, flags: int = re.DOTALL) -> None: super().__init__() self.regex = re.compile(pattern, flags) def __call__(self, data: bytes, data_offset: int) -> Generator[int, None, None]: """Runs through the data looking for the needle, and yields all offsets where the needle is found.""" find_pos = self.regex.finditer(data) for match in find_pos: offset = match.start() if offset < self.chunk_size: yield offset + data_offset
[docs]class MultiStringScanner(layers.ScannerInterface): thread_safe = True _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) def __init__(self, patterns: List[bytes]) -> None: super().__init__() self._pattern_trie: Optional[Dict[int, Optional[Dict]]] = {} for pattern in patterns: self._process_pattern(pattern) self._regex = self._process_trie(self._pattern_trie) def _process_pattern(self, value: bytes) -> None: trie = self._pattern_trie if trie is None: return None for char in value: trie[char] = trie.get(char, {}) trie = trie[char] # Mark the end of a string trie[-1] = None def _process_trie(self, trie: Optional[Dict[int, Optional[Dict]]]) -> bytes: if trie is None or len(trie) == 1 and -1 in trie: # We've reached the end of this path, return the empty byte string return b"" choices = [] suffixes = [] finished = False for entry in sorted(trie): # Clump together different paths if entry >= 0: remainder = self._process_trie(trie[entry]) if remainder: choices.append(re.escape(bytes([entry])) + remainder) else: suffixes.append(re.escape(bytes([entry]))) else: # If we've finished one of the strings at this point, remember it for later finished = True if len(suffixes) == 1: choices.append(suffixes[0]) elif len(suffixes) > 1: choices.append(b"[" + b"".join(suffixes) + b"]") if len(choices) == 0: # If there's none, return the empty byte string response = b"" elif len(choices) == 1: # If there's only one return it response = choices[0] else: response = b"(?:" + b"|".join(choices) + b")" if finished: # We finished one string, so everything after this is optional response = b"(?:" + response + b")?" return response def __call__( self, data: bytes, data_offset: int ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, bytes], None, None]: """Runs through the data looking for the needles.""" for offset, pattern in if offset < self.chunk_size: yield offset + data_offset, pattern
[docs] def search(self, haystack: bytes) -> Generator[Tuple[int, bytes], None, None]: if not isinstance(haystack, bytes): raise TypeError("Search haystack must be a byte string") if not self._regex: raise ValueError( "MultiRegexp cannot be used with an empty set of search strings" ) for match in re.finditer(self._regex, haystack): yield match.start(0),