Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import enum
import logging
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple

from volatility3.framework import constants, interfaces, renderers, exceptions, symbols
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.interfaces import plugins, configuration
from volatility3.framework.layers import scanners
from volatility3.framework.renderers import format_hints
from volatility3.framework.symbols import intermed
from import extensions, versions
from import handles

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: When python3.5 is no longer supported, make this enum.IntFlag
# Revisit the page_type signature of PoolConstraint once using enum.IntFlag
[docs]class PoolType(enum.IntEnum): """Class to maintain the different possible PoolTypes The values must be integer powers of 2.""" PAGED = 1 NONPAGED = 2 FREE = 4
[docs]class PoolConstraint: """Class to maintain tag/size/index/type information about Pool header tags.""" def __init__(self, tag: bytes, type_name: str, object_type: Optional[str] = None, page_type: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]] = None, index: Optional[Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]] = None, alignment: Optional[int] = 1, skip_type_test: bool = False) -> None: self.tag = tag self.type_name = type_name self.object_type = object_type self.page_type = page_type self.size = size self.index = index self.alignment = alignment self.skip_type_test = skip_type_test
[docs]class PoolHeaderScanner(interfaces.layers.ScannerInterface): def __init__(self, module: interfaces.context.ModuleInterface, constraint_lookup: Dict[bytes, PoolConstraint], alignment: int): super().__init__() self._module = module self._constraint_lookup = constraint_lookup self._alignment = alignment header_type = self._module.get_type('_POOL_HEADER') self._header_offset = header_type.relative_child_offset('PoolTag') self._subscanner = scanners.MultiStringScanner([c for c in constraint_lookup.keys()]) def __call__(self, data: bytes, data_offset: int): for offset, pattern in self._subscanner(data, data_offset): header = self._module.object(object_type = "_POOL_HEADER", offset = offset - self._header_offset, absolute = True) constraint = self._constraint_lookup[pattern] try: # Size check if constraint.size is not None: if constraint.size[0]: if (self._alignment * header.BlockSize) < constraint.size[0]: continue if constraint.size[1]: if (self._alignment * header.BlockSize) > constraint.size[1]: continue # Type check if constraint.page_type is not None: checks_pass = False if (constraint.page_type & PoolType.FREE) and header.is_free_pool(): checks_pass = True elif (constraint.page_type & PoolType.NONPAGED) and header.is_nonpaged_pool(): checks_pass = True elif (constraint.page_type & PoolType.PAGED) and header.is_paged_pool(): checks_pass = True if not checks_pass: continue if constraint.index is not None: if constraint.index[0]: if header.PoolIndex < constraint.index[0]: continue if constraint.index[1]: if header.PoolIndex > constraint.index[1]: continue except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: # The tested object's header doesn't point to valid addresses, ignore it continue # We found one that passed! yield (constraint, header)
[docs]class PoolScanner(plugins.PluginInterface): """A generic pool scanner plugin.""" _version = (1, 0, 0) _required_framework_version = (1, 0, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: return [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Memory layer for the kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]), requirements.SymbolTableRequirement(name = "nt_symbols", description = "Windows kernel symbols"), requirements.PluginRequirement(name = 'handles', plugin = handles.Handles, version = (1, 0, 0)), ]
def _generator(self): symbol_table = self.config["nt_symbols"] constraints = self.builtin_constraints(symbol_table) for constraint, mem_object, header in self.generate_pool_scan(self.context, self.config["primary"], symbol_table, constraints): # generate some type-specific info for sanity checking if constraint.object_type == "Process": name = mem_object.ImageFileName.cast("string", max_length = mem_object.ImageFileName.vol.count, errors = "replace") elif constraint.object_type == "File": try: name = mem_object.FileName.String except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Skipping file at {0:#x}".format(mem_object.vol.offset)) continue else: name = renderers.NotApplicableValue() yield (0, (constraint.type_name, format_hints.Hex(header.vol.offset), header.vol.layer_name, name))
[docs] @staticmethod def builtin_constraints(symbol_table: str, tags_filter: List[bytes] = None) -> List[PoolConstraint]: """Get built-in PoolConstraints given a list of pool tags. The tags_filter is a list of pool tags, and the associated PoolConstraints are returned. If tags_filter is empty or not supplied, then all builtin constraints are returned. Args: symbol_table: The name of the symbol table to prepend to the types used tags_filter: List of tags to return or None to return all Returns: A list of well-known constructed PoolConstraints that match the provided tags """ builtins = [ # atom tables PoolConstraint(b'AtmT', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_RTL_ATOM_TABLE", size = (200, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # processes on windows before windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Pro\xe3', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_EPROCESS", object_type = "Process", size = (600, None), skip_type_test = True, page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # processes on windows starting with windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Proc', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_EPROCESS", object_type = "Process", size = (600, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # files on windows before windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Fil\xe5', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_FILE_OBJECT", object_type = "File", size = (150, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # files on windows starting with windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'File', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_FILE_OBJECT", object_type = "File", size = (150, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # mutants on windows before windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Mut\xe1', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_KMUTANT", object_type = "Mutant", size = (64, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # mutants on windows starting with windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Muta', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_KMUTANT", object_type = "Mutant", size = (64, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # drivers on windows before windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Dri\xf6', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_DRIVER_OBJECT", object_type = "Driver", size = (248, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # drivers on windows starting with windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Driv', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_DRIVER_OBJECT", object_type = "Driver", size = (248, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # kernel modules PoolConstraint(b'MmLd', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY", size = (76, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # symlinks on windows before windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Sym\xe2', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", object_type = "SymbolicLink", size = (72, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # symlinks on windows starting with windows 8 PoolConstraint(b'Symb', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK", object_type = "SymbolicLink", size = (72, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE), # registry hives PoolConstraint(b'CM10', type_name = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_CMHIVE", size = (800, None), page_type = PoolType.PAGED | PoolType.NONPAGED | PoolType.FREE, skip_type_test = True), ] if not tags_filter: return builtins return [constraint for constraint in builtins if constraint.tag in tags_filter]
[docs] @classmethod def generate_pool_scan(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, symbol_table: str, constraints: List[PoolConstraint]) \ -> Generator[Tuple[ PoolConstraint, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface], None, None]: """ Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from layer_name: The name of the layer on which to operate symbol_table: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols constraints: List of pool constraints used to limit the scan results Returns: Iterable of tuples, containing the constraint that matched, the object from memory, the object header used to determine the object """ # get the object type map type_map = handles.Handles.get_type_map(context = context, layer_name = layer_name, symbol_table = symbol_table) cookie = handles.Handles.find_cookie(context = context, layer_name = layer_name, symbol_table = symbol_table) is_windows_10 = versions.is_windows_10(context, symbol_table) is_windows_8_or_later = versions.is_windows_8_or_later(context, symbol_table) # start off with the primary virtual layer scan_layer = layer_name # switch to a non-virtual layer if necessary if not is_windows_10: scan_layer = context.layers[scan_layer].config['memory_layer'] if symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(context, symbol_table): alignment = 0x10 else: alignment = 8 for constraint, header in cls.pool_scan(context, scan_layer, symbol_table, constraints, alignment = alignment): mem_object = header.get_object(type_name = constraint.type_name, use_top_down = is_windows_8_or_later, executive = constraint.object_type is not None, native_layer_name = 'primary', kernel_symbol_table = symbol_table) if mem_object is None: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Cannot create an instance of {}".format(constraint.type_name)) continue if constraint.object_type is not None and not constraint.skip_type_test: try: if mem_object.get_object_header().get_object_type(type_map, cookie) != constraint.object_type: continue except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Cannot test instance type check for {}".format(constraint.type_name)) continue yield constraint, mem_object, header
[docs] @classmethod def pool_scan(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, symbol_table: str, pool_constraints: List[PoolConstraint], alignment: int = 8, progress_callback: Optional[constants.ProgressCallback] = None) \ -> Generator[Tuple[PoolConstraint, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface], None, None]: """Returns the _POOL_HEADER object (based on the symbol_table template) after scanning through layer_name returning all headers that match any of the constraints provided. Only one constraint can be provided per tag. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from layer_name: The name of the layer on which to operate symbol_table: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols pool_constraints: List of pool constraints used to limit the scan results alignment: An optional value that all pool headers will be aligned to progress_callback: An optional function to provide progress feedback whilst scanning Returns: An Iterable of pool constraints and the pool headers associated with them """ # Setup the pattern constraint_lookup = {} # type: Dict[bytes, PoolConstraint] for constraint in pool_constraints: if constraint.tag in constraint_lookup: raise ValueError("Constraint tag is used for more than one constraint: {}".format(repr(constraint.tag))) constraint_lookup[constraint.tag] = constraint pool_header_table_name = cls.get_pool_header_table(context, symbol_table) module = context.module(pool_header_table_name, layer_name, offset = 0) # Run the scan locating the offsets of a particular tag layer = context.layers[layer_name] scanner = PoolHeaderScanner(module, constraint_lookup, alignment) yield from layer.scan(context, scanner, progress_callback)
[docs] @classmethod def get_pool_header_table(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, symbol_table: str) -> str: """Returns the appropriate symbol_table containing a _POOL_HEADER type, even if the original symbol table doesn't contain one. Args: context: The context that the symbol tables does (or will) reside in symbol_table: The expected symbol_table to contain the _POOL_HEADER type """ # Setup the pool header and offset differential try: context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_POOL_HEADER") table_name = symbol_table except exceptions.SymbolError: # We have to manually load a symbol table if symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(context, symbol_table): is_win_7 = versions.is_windows_7(context, symbol_table) if is_win_7: pool_header_json_filename = "poolheader-x64-win7" else: pool_header_json_filename = "poolheader-x64" else: pool_header_json_filename = "poolheader-x86" # set the class_type to match the normal WindowsKernelIntermedSymbols is_vista_or_later = versions.is_vista_or_later(context, symbol_table) if is_vista_or_later: class_type = extensions.pool.POOL_HEADER_VISTA else: class_type = extensions.pool.POOL_HEADER table_name = intermed.IntermediateSymbolTable.create(context = context, config_path = configuration.path_join( context.symbol_space[symbol_table].config_path, "poolheader"), sub_path = "windows", filename = pool_header_json_filename, table_mapping = {'nt_symbols': symbol_table}, class_types = {'_POOL_HEADER': class_type}) return table_name
[docs] def run(self) -> renderers.TreeGrid: return renderers.TreeGrid([("Tag", str), ("Offset", format_hints.Hex), ("Layer", str), ("Name", str)], self._generator())