volatility3.framework.contexts package

A Context maintains the accumulated state required for various plugins and framework functions.

This has been made an object to allow quick swapping and changing of contexts, to allow a plugin to act on multiple different contexts without them interfering eith each other.

class Context[source]

Bases: volatility3.framework.interfaces.context.ContextInterface

Maintains the context within which to construct objects.

The context object is the main method of carrying around state that’s been constructed for the purposes of investigating memory. It contains a symbol_space of all the symbols that can be accessed by plugins using the context. It also contains the memory made up of data and translation layers, and it contains a factory method for creating new objects.

Other context objects can be constructed as long as they support the ContextInterface. This is the primary context object to be used in the volatility framework. It maintains the

Initializes the context.


Adds a named translation layer to the context.


layer (DataLayerInterface) – The layer to be added to the memory


volatility3.framework.exceptions.LayerException – if the layer is already present, or has unmet dependencies

Return type



Produce a clone of the context (and configuration), allowing modifications to be made without affecting any mutable objects in the original.

Memory constraints may become an issue for this function depending on how much is actually stored in the context

Return type


property config

Returns a mutable copy of the configuration, but does not allow the whole configuration to be altered.

Return type


property layers

A LayerContainer object, allowing access to all data and translation layers currently available within the context.

Return type


module(module_name, layer_name, offset, native_layer_name=None, size=None)[source]

Constructs a new os-independent module.

  • module_name (str) – The name of the module

  • layer_name (str) – The layer within the context in which the module exists

  • offset (int) – The offset at which the module exists in the layer

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – The default native layer for objects constructed by the module

  • size (Optional[int]) – The size, in bytes, that the module occupys from offset location within the layer named layer_name

Return type


object(object_type, layer_name, offset, native_layer_name=None, **arguments)[source]

Object factory, takes a context, symbol, offset and optional layername.

Looks up the layername in the context, finds the object template based on the symbol, and constructs an object using the object template on the layer at the offset.

  • object_type (Union[str, Template]) – The name (or template) of the symbol type on which to construct the object. If this is a name, it should contain an explicit table name.

  • layer_name (str) – The name of the layer on which to construct the object

  • offset (int) – The offset within the layer at which the data used to create the object lives

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the layer the object references (for pointers) if different to layer_name

Return type



A fully constructed object

property symbol_space

The space of all symbols that can be accessed within this context.

Return type


class Module(context, module_name, layer_name, offset, symbol_table_name=None, native_layer_name=None)[source]

Bases: volatility3.framework.interfaces.context.ModuleInterface

Constructs a new os-independent module.

  • context (ContextInterface) – The context within which this module will exist

  • module_name (str) – The name of the module

  • layer_name (str) – The layer within the context in which the module exists

  • offset (int) – The offset at which the module exists in the layer

  • symbol_table_name (Optional[str]) – The name of an associated symbol table

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – The default native layer for objects constructed by the module

property context

Context that the module uses.

Return type



Returns an enumeration from the module.

Return type



Returns a symbol from the module.

Return type



Returns a type from the module.

Return type



Determines whether an enumeration is present in the module.

Return type



Determines whether a symbol is present in the module.

Return type



Determines whether a type is present in the module.

Return type


property layer_name

Layer name in which the Module resides.

Return type


property name

The name of the constructed module.

Return type


object(object_type, offset=None, native_layer_name=None, absolute=False, **kwargs)[source]

Returns an object created using the symbol_table_name and layer_name of the Module.

  • object_type (str) – Name of the type/enumeration (within the module) to construct

  • offset (Optional[int]) – The location of the object, ignored when symbol_type is SYMBOL

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the layer in which constructed objects are made (for pointers)

  • absolute (bool) – whether the type’s offset is absolute within memory or relative to the module

Return type


object_from_symbol(symbol_name, native_layer_name=None, absolute=False, **kwargs)[source]

Returns an object based on a specific symbol (containing type and offset information) and the layer_name of the Module. This will throw a ValueError if the symbol does not contain an associated type, or if the symbol name is invalid. It will throw a SymbolError if the symbol cannot be found.

  • symbol_name (str) – Name of the symbol (within the module) to construct

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the layer in which constructed objects are made (for pointers)

  • absolute (bool) – whether the symbol’s address is absolute or relative to the module

Return type


property offset

Returns the offset that the module resides within the layer of layer_name.

Return type


class ModuleCollection(modules)[source]

Bases: object

Class to contain a collection of SizedModules and reason about their contents.


Returns a new deduplicated ModuleCollection featuring no repeated modules (based on data hash)

All 0 sized modules will have identical hashes and are therefore included in the deduplicated version

Return type


get_module_symbols_by_absolute_location(offset, size=0)[source]

Returns a tuple of (module_name, list_of_symbol_names) for each module, where symbols live at the absolute offset in memory provided.

Return type

Iterable[Tuple[str, List[str]]]

property modules

A name indexed dictionary of modules using that name in this collection.

Return type

Dict[str, List[SizedModule]]

class SizedModule(context, module_name, layer_name, offset, size, symbol_table_name=None, native_layer_name=None)[source]

Bases: volatility3.framework.contexts.Module

Constructs a new os-independent module.

  • context (ContextInterface) – The context within which this module will exist

  • module_name (str) – The name of the module

  • layer_name (str) – The layer within the context in which the module exists

  • offset (int) – The offset at which the module exists in the layer

  • symbol_table_name (Optional[str]) – The name of an associated symbol table

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – The default native layer for objects constructed by the module

property context

Context that the module uses.

Return type



Returns an enumeration from the module.

Return type



Returns a symbol from the module.

Return type


get_symbols_by_absolute_location(offset, size=0)[source]

Returns the symbols within this module that live at the specified absolute offset provided.

Return type



Returns a type from the module.

Return type



Determines whether an enumeration is present in the module.

Return type



Determines whether a symbol is present in the module.

Return type



Determines whether a type is present in the module.

Return type


property hash

Hashes the module for equality checks.

The mapping should be sorted and should be quicker than reading the data We turn it into JSON to make a common string and use a quick hash, because collissions are unlikely

Return type


property layer_name

Layer name in which the Module resides.

Return type


property name

The name of the constructed module.

Return type


object(object_type, offset=None, native_layer_name=None, absolute=False, **kwargs)

Returns an object created using the symbol_table_name and layer_name of the Module.

  • object_type (str) – Name of the type/enumeration (within the module) to construct

  • offset (Optional[int]) – The location of the object, ignored when symbol_type is SYMBOL

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the layer in which constructed objects are made (for pointers)

  • absolute (bool) – whether the type’s offset is absolute within memory or relative to the module

Return type


object_from_symbol(symbol_name, native_layer_name=None, absolute=False, **kwargs)

Returns an object based on a specific symbol (containing type and offset information) and the layer_name of the Module. This will throw a ValueError if the symbol does not contain an associated type, or if the symbol name is invalid. It will throw a SymbolError if the symbol cannot be found.

  • symbol_name (str) – Name of the symbol (within the module) to construct

  • native_layer_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the layer in which constructed objects are made (for pointers)

  • absolute (bool) – whether the symbol’s address is absolute or relative to the module

Return type


property offset

Returns the offset that the module resides within the layer of layer_name.

Return type


property size

Returns the size of the module (0 for unknown size)

Return type



Returns a symbol using the symbol_table_name of the Module.

Return type
