Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2020 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import datetime
import functools
import logging
import math
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Union, Tuple, List

from volatility3.framework import constants, exceptions, interfaces, objects, renderers, symbols
from volatility3.framework.layers import intel
from volatility3.framework.renderers import conversion
from volatility3.framework.symbols import generic
from import pool, pe, kdbg

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Keep these in a basic module, to prevent import cycles when symbol providers require them

[docs]class KSYSTEM_TIME(objects.StructType): """A system time structure that stores a high and low part."""
[docs] def get_time(self): wintime = (self.High1Time << 32) | self.LowPart return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(wintime)
[docs]class MMVAD_SHORT(objects.StructType): """A class that represents process virtual memory ranges. Each instance is a node in a binary tree structure and is pointed to by VadRoot. """
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = None) def get_tag(self): vad_address = self.vol.offset # the offset is different on 32 and 64 bits symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] if not symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name): vad_address -= 4 else: vad_address -= 12 try: # TODO: instantiate a _POOL_HEADER and return PoolTag bytesobj = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "bytes", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = vad_address, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name, length = 4) return bytesobj.decode() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None except UnicodeDecodeError: return None
[docs] def traverse(self, visited = None, depth = 0): """Traverse the VAD tree, determining each underlying VAD node type by looking up the pool tag for the structure and then casting into a new object.""" # TODO: this is an arbitrary limit chosen based on past observations if depth > 100: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Vad tree is too deep, something went wrong!") raise RuntimeError("Vad tree is too deep") if visited is None: visited = set() vad_address = self.vol.offset if vad_address in visited: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "VAD node already seen!") return visited.add(vad_address) tag = self.get_tag() if tag in ["VadS", "VadF"]: target = "_MMVAD_SHORT" elif tag != None and tag.startswith("Vad"): target = "_MMVAD" elif depth == 0: # the root node at depth 0 is allowed to not have a tag # but we still want to continue and access its right & left child target = None else: # any node other than the root that doesn't have a recognized tag # is just garbage and we skip the node entirely vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Skipping VAD at {} depth {} with tag {}".format(self.vol.offset, depth, tag)) return if target: vad_object = self.cast(target) yield vad_object try: for vad_node in self.get_left_child().dereference().traverse(visited, depth + 1): yield vad_node except exceptions.InvalidAddressException as excp: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Invalid address on LeftChild: {0:#x}".format(excp.invalid_address)) try: for vad_node in self.get_right_child().dereference().traverse(visited, depth + 1): yield vad_node except exceptions.InvalidAddressException as excp: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Invalid address on RightChild: {0:#x}".format(excp.invalid_address))
[docs] def get_right_child(self): """Get the right child member.""" if self.has_member("RightChild"): return self.RightChild elif self.has_member("Right"): return self.Right # this is for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("VadNode"): if self.VadNode.has_member("RightChild"): return self.VadNode.RightChild if self.VadNode.has_member("Right"): return self.VadNode.Right # also for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("VadNode"): if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("RightChild"): return self.Core.VadNode.RightChild if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("Right"): return self.Core.VadNode.Right raise AttributeError("Unable to find the right child member")
[docs] def get_left_child(self): """Get the left child member.""" if self.has_member("LeftChild"): return self.LeftChild elif self.has_member("Left"): return self.Left # this is for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("VadNode"): if self.VadNode.has_member("LeftChild"): return self.VadNode.LeftChild if self.VadNode.has_member("Left"): return self.VadNode.Left # also for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("VadNode"): if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("LeftChild"): return self.Core.VadNode.LeftChild if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("Left"): return self.Core.VadNode.Left raise AttributeError("Unable to find the left child member")
[docs] def get_parent(self): """Get the VAD's parent member.""" # this is for xp and 2003 if self.has_member("Parent"): return self.Parent # this is for vista through windows 7 elif self.has_member("u1") and self.u1.has_member("Parent"): return self.u1.Parent & ~0x3 # this is for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("VadNode"): if self.VadNode.has_member("u1"): return self.VadNode.u1.Parent & ~0x3 elif self.VadNode.has_member("ParentValue"): return self.VadNode.ParentValue & ~0x3 # also for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("u1"): return self.Core.VadNode.u1.Parent & ~0x3 elif self.Core.VadNode.has_member("ParentValue"): return self.Core.VadNode.ParentValue & ~0x3 raise AttributeError("Unable to find the parent member")
[docs] def get_start(self): """Get the VAD's starting virtual address.""" if self.has_member("StartingVpn"): if self.has_member("StartingVpnHigh"): return (self.StartingVpn << 12) | (self.StartingVpnHigh << 44) else: return self.StartingVpn << 12 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("StartingVpnHigh"): return (self.Core.StartingVpn << 12) | (self.Core.StartingVpnHigh << 44) else: return self.Core.StartingVpn << 12 raise AttributeError("Unable to find the starting VPN member")
[docs] def get_end(self): """Get the VAD's ending virtual address.""" if self.has_member("EndingVpn"): if self.has_member("EndingVpnHigh"): return (((self.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) | (self.EndingVpnHigh << 44)) - 1 else: return ((self.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) - 1 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("EndingVpnHigh"): return (((self.Core.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) | (self.Core.EndingVpnHigh << 44)) - 1 else: return ((self.Core.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) - 1 raise AttributeError("Unable to find the ending VPN member")
[docs] def get_commit_charge(self): """Get the VAD's commit charge (number of committed pages)""" if self.has_member("u1") and self.u1.has_member("VadFlags1"): return self.u1.VadFlags1.CommitCharge elif self.has_member("u") and self.u.has_member("VadFlags"): return self.u.VadFlags.CommitCharge elif self.has_member("Core"): return self.Core.u1.VadFlags1.CommitCharge raise AttributeError("Unable to find the commit charge member")
[docs] def get_private_memory(self): """Get the VAD's private memory setting.""" if self.has_member("u1") and self.u1.has_member("VadFlags1") and self.u1.VadFlags1.has_member("PrivateMemory"): return self.u1.VadFlags1.PrivateMemory elif self.has_member("u") and self.u.has_member("VadFlags") and self.u.VadFlags.has_member("PrivateMemory"): return self.u.VadFlags.PrivateMemory elif self.has_member("Core"): if (self.Core.has_member("u1") and self.Core.u1.has_member("VadFlags1") and self.Core.u1.VadFlags1.has_member("PrivateMemory")): return self.Core.u1.VadFlags1.PrivateMemory elif (self.Core.has_member("u") and self.Core.u.has_member("VadFlags") and self.Core.u.VadFlags.has_member("PrivateMemory")): return self.Core.u.VadFlags.PrivateMemory raise AttributeError("Unable to find the private memory member")
[docs] def get_protection(self, protect_values, winnt_protections): """Get the VAD's protection constants as a string.""" protect = None if self.has_member("u"): protect = self.u.VadFlags.Protection elif self.has_member("Core"): protect = self.Core.u.VadFlags.Protection try: value = protect_values[protect] except IndexError: value = 0 names = [] for name, mask in winnt_protections.items(): if value & mask != 0: names.append(name) return "|".join(names)
[docs] def get_file_name(self): """Only long(er) vads have mapped files.""" return renderers.NotApplicableValue()
[docs]class MMVAD(MMVAD_SHORT): """A version of the process virtual memory range structure that contains additional fields necessary to map files from disk."""
[docs] def get_file_name(self): """Get the name of the file mapped into the memory range (if any)""" file_name = renderers.NotApplicableValue() try: # this is for xp and 2003 if self.has_member("ControlArea"): file_name = self.ControlArea.FilePointer.FileName.get_string() # this is for vista through windows 7 else: file_name = self.Subsection.ControlArea.FilePointer.dereference().cast( "_FILE_OBJECT").FileName.get_string() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: pass return file_name
[docs]class EX_FAST_REF(objects.StructType): """This is a standard Windows structure that stores a pointer to an object but also leverages the least significant bits to encode additional details. When dereferencing the pointer, we need to strip off the extra bits. """
[docs] def dereference(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: if constants.BANG not in self.vol.type_name: raise ValueError("Invalid symbol table name syntax (no {} found)".format(constants.BANG)) # the mask value is different on 32 and 64 bits symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] if not symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name): max_fast_ref = 7 else: max_fast_ref = 15 return self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = self.Object & ~max_fast_ref, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name)
[docs]class DEVICE_OBJECT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for kernel device objects."""
[docs] def get_device_name(self) -> str: header = self.get_object_header() return header.NameInfo.Name.String # type: ignore
[docs]class DRIVER_OBJECT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for kernel driver objects."""
[docs] def get_driver_name(self) -> str: header = self.get_object_header() return header.NameInfo.Name.String # type: ignore
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" return True
[docs]class FILE_OBJECT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for windows file objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" return self.FileName.Length > 0 and self._context.layers[self.FileName.Buffer.vol.native_layer_name].is_valid( self.FileName.Buffer)
[docs] def file_name_with_device(self) -> Union[str, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue]: name = renderers.UnreadableValue() # type: Union[str, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue] # this pointer needs to be checked against native_layer_name because the object may # be instantiated from a primary (virtual) layer or a memory (physical) layer. if self._context.layers[self.vol.native_layer_name].is_valid(self.DeviceObject): try: name = "\\Device\\{}".format(self.DeviceObject.get_device_name()) except ValueError: pass try: name += self.FileName.String except (TypeError, exceptions.InvalidAddressException): pass return name
[docs] def access_string(self): ## Make a nicely formatted ACL string return (('R' if self.ReadAccess else '-') + ('W' if self.WriteAccess else '-') + ('D' if self.DeleteAccess else '-') + ('r' if self.SharedRead else '-') + ('w' if self.SharedWrite else '-') + ('d' if self.SharedDelete else '-'))
[docs]class KMUTANT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for windows mutant objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" return True
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Get the object's name from the object header.""" header = self.get_object_header() return header.NameInfo.Name.String # type: ignore
[docs]class ETHREAD(objects.StructType): """A class for executive thread objects."""
[docs] def owning_process(self, kernel_layer: str = None) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Return the EPROCESS that owns this thread.""" return self.ThreadsProcess.dereference(kernel_layer)
[docs] def get_cross_thread_flags(self) -> str: dictCrossThreadFlags = { 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_TERMINATED': 0, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD': 1, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_HIDEFROMDBG': 2, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_IMPERSONATING': 3, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SYSTEM': 4, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_HARD_ERRORS_DISABLED': 5, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_BREAK_ON_TERMINATION': 6, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SKIP_CREATION_MSG': 7, 'PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SKIP_TERMINATION_MSG': 8 } flags = self.CrossThreadFlags stringCrossThreadFlags = '' for flag in dictCrossThreadFlags: if flags & 2 ** dictCrossThreadFlags[flag]: stringCrossThreadFlags += '{} '.format(flag) return stringCrossThreadFlags[:-1] if stringCrossThreadFlags else stringCrossThreadFlags
[docs]class UNICODE_STRING(objects.StructType): """A class for Windows unicode string structures."""
[docs] def get_string(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: # We explicitly do *not* catch errors here, we allow an exception to be thrown # (otherwise there's no way to determine anything went wrong) # It's up to the user of this method to catch exceptions return self.Buffer.dereference().cast("string", max_length = self.Length, errors = "replace", encoding = "utf16")
String = property(get_string)
[docs]class EPROCESS(generic.GenericIntelProcess, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for executive kernel processes objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" try: name = objects.utility.array_to_string(self.ImageFileName) if not name or len(name) == 0 or name[0] == "\x00": return False # The System/PID 4 process has no create time if not (str(name) == "System" and self.UniqueProcessId == 4): if self.CreateTime.QuadPart == 0: return False ctime = self.get_create_time() if not isinstance(ctime, datetime.datetime): return False if not (1998 < ctime.year < 2030): return False # NT pids are divisible by 4 if self.UniqueProcessId % 4 != 0: return False # check for all 0s besides the PCID entries if isinstance(self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase, objects.Array): dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase.cast("pointer") else: dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase if dtb == 0: return False # check for all 0s besides the PCID entries if dtb & ~0xfff == 0: return False ## TODO: we can also add the thread Flink and Blink tests if necessary except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False return True
[docs] def add_process_layer(self, config_prefix: str = None, preferred_name: str = None): """Constructs a new layer based on the process's DirectoryTableBase.""" parent_layer = self._context.layers[self.vol.layer_name] if not isinstance(parent_layer, intel.Intel): # We can't get bits_per_register unless we're an intel space (since that's not defined at the higher layer) raise TypeError("Parent layer is not a translation layer, unable to construct process layer") # Presumably for 64-bit systems, the DTB is defined as an array, rather than an unsigned long long dtb = 0 # type: int if isinstance(self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase, objects.Array): dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase.cast("unsigned long long") else: dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase dtb = dtb & ((1 << parent_layer.bits_per_register) - 1) if preferred_name is None: preferred_name = self.vol.layer_name + "_Process{}".format(self.UniqueProcessId) # Add the constructed layer and return the name return self._add_process_layer(self._context, dtb, config_prefix, preferred_name)
[docs] def get_peb(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Constructs a PEB object""" if constants.BANG not in self.vol.type_name: raise ValueError("Invalid symbol table name syntax (no {} found)".format(constants.BANG)) # add_process_layer can raise InvalidAddressException. # if that happens, we let the exception propagate upwards proc_layer_name = self.add_process_layer() proc_layer = self._context.layers[proc_layer_name] if not proc_layer.is_valid(self.Peb): raise exceptions.InvalidAddressException(proc_layer_name, self.Peb, "Invalid address at {:0x}".format(self.Peb)) sym_table = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] peb = self._context.object("{}{}_PEB".format(sym_table, constants.BANG), layer_name = proc_layer_name, offset = self.Peb) return peb
[docs] def load_order_modules(self) -> Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Generator for DLLs in the order that they were loaded.""" try: peb = self.get_peb() for entry in peb.Ldr.InLoadOrderModuleList.to_list( "{}{}_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY".format(self.get_symbol_table_name(), constants.BANG), "InLoadOrderLinks"): yield entry except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return
[docs] def init_order_modules(self) -> Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Generator for DLLs in the order that they were initialized""" try: peb = self.get_peb() for entry in peb.Ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList.to_list( "{}{}_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY".format(self.get_symbol_table_name(), constants.BANG), "InInitializationOrderLinks"): yield entry except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return
[docs] def mem_order_modules(self) -> Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Generator for DLLs in the order that they appear in memory""" try: peb = self.get_peb() for entry in peb.Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList.to_list( "{}{}_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY".format(self.get_symbol_table_name(), constants.BANG), "InMemoryOrderLinks"): yield entry except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return
[docs] def get_handle_count(self): try: if self.has_member("ObjectTable"): if self.ObjectTable.has_member("HandleCount"): return self.ObjectTable.HandleCount except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Cannot access _EPROCESS.ObjectTable.HandleCount at {0:#x}".format(self.vol.offset)) return renderers.UnreadableValue()
[docs] def get_session_id(self): try: if self.has_member("Session"): if self.Session == 0: return renderers.NotApplicableValue() symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() kvo = self._context.layers[self.vol.native_layer_name].config['kernel_virtual_offset'] ntkrnlmp = self._context.module(symbol_table_name, layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name, offset = kvo, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name) session = ntkrnlmp.object(object_type = "_MM_SESSION_SPACE", offset = self.Session, absolute = True) if session.has_member("SessionId"): return session.SessionId except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Cannot access _EPROCESS.Session.SessionId at {0:#x}".format(self.vol.offset)) return renderers.UnreadableValue()
[docs] def get_create_time(self): return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.CreateTime.QuadPart)
[docs] def get_exit_time(self): return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.ExitTime.QuadPart)
[docs] def get_wow_64_process(self): if self.has_member("Wow64Process"): return self.Wow64Process elif self.has_member("WoW64Process"): return self.WoW64Process raise AttributeError("Unable to find Wow64Process")
[docs] def get_is_wow64(self): try: value = self.get_wow_64_process() except AttributeError: return False return value != 0 and value != None
[docs] def get_vad_root(self): # windows 8 and 2012 (_MM_AVL_TABLE) if self.VadRoot.has_member("BalancedRoot"): return self.VadRoot.BalancedRoot # windows 8.1 and windows 10 (_RTL_AVL_TREE) elif self.VadRoot.has_member("Root"): return self.VadRoot.Root.dereference() # .cast("_MMVAD") else: # windows xp and 2003 return self.VadRoot.dereference().cast("_MMVAD")
[docs] def environment_variables(self): """Generator for environment variables. The PEB points to our env block - a series of null-terminated unicode strings. Each string cannot be more than 0x7FFF chars. End of the list is a quad-null. """ context = self._context process_space = self.add_process_layer() try: block = self.get_peb().ProcessParameters.Environment try: block_size = self.get_peb().ProcessParameters.EnvironmentSize except AttributeError: # Windows XP block_size = self.get_peb().ProcessParameters.Length envars = context.layers[process_space].read(block, block_size).decode("utf-16-le", errors = 'replace').split('\x00')[:-1] except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return renderers.UnreadableValue() for envar in envars: split_index = envar.find('=') env = envar[:split_index] var = envar[split_index + 1:] # Exlude parse problem with some types of env if env and var: yield env, var
[docs]class LIST_ENTRY(objects.StructType, """A class for double-linked lists on Windows."""
[docs] def to_list(self, symbol_type: str, member: str, forward: bool = True, sentinel: bool = True, layer: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Returns an iterator of the entries in the list.""" layer = layer or self.vol.layer_name relative_offset = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_type).relative_child_offset(member) direction = 'Blink' if forward: direction = 'Flink' trans_layer = self._context.layers[layer] try: trans_layer.is_valid(self.vol.offset) link = getattr(self, direction).dereference() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return if not sentinel: yield self._context.object(symbol_type, layer, offset = self.vol.offset - relative_offset, native_layer_name = layer or self.vol.native_layer_name) seen = {self.vol.offset} while link.vol.offset not in seen: obj_offset = link.vol.offset - relative_offset try: trans_layer.is_valid(obj_offset) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return obj = self._context.object(symbol_type, layer, offset = obj_offset, native_layer_name = layer or self.vol.native_layer_name) yield obj seen.add(link.vol.offset) try: link = getattr(link, direction).dereference() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: return self.to_list(self.vol.parent.vol.type_name, self.vol.member_name)
[docs]class TOKEN(objects.StructType): """A class for process etoken object."""
[docs] def get_sids(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Yield a sid for the current token object.""" if self.UserAndGroupCount < 0xFFFF: layer_name = self.vol.layer_name kvo = self._context.layers[layer_name].config["kernel_virtual_offset"] symbol_table = self.get_symbol_table_name() ntkrnlmp = self._context.module(symbol_table, layer_name = layer_name, offset = kvo) UserAndGroups = ntkrnlmp.object(object_type = "array", offset = self.UserAndGroups.dereference().vol.get("offset") - kvo, subtype = ntkrnlmp.get_type("_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES"), count = self.UserAndGroupCount) for sid_and_attr in UserAndGroups: try: sid = sid_and_attr.Sid.dereference().cast("_SID") # catch invalid pointers (UserAndGroupCount is too high) if sid is None: return # this mimics the windows API IsValidSid if sid.Revision & 0xF != 1 or sid.SubAuthorityCount > 15: return id_auth = "" for i in sid.IdentifierAuthority.Value: id_auth = i SubAuthority = ntkrnlmp.object(object_type = "array", offset = sid.SubAuthority.vol.offset - kvo, subtype = ntkrnlmp.get_type("unsigned long"), count = int(sid.SubAuthorityCount)) yield "S-" + "-".join(str(i) for i in (sid.Revision, id_auth) + tuple(SubAuthority)) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "InvalidAddressException while parsing for token sid")
[docs] def privileges(self): """Return a list of privileges for the current token object.""" try: for priv_index in range(64): yield (priv_index, bool(self.Privileges.Present & (2 ** priv_index)), bool(self.Privileges.Enabled & (2 ** priv_index)), bool(self.Privileges.EnabledByDefault & (2 ** priv_index))) except AttributeError: # Windows XP if self.PrivilegeCount < 1024: # This is a pointer to an array of _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES for luid in self.Privileges.dereference().cast( "array", count = self.PrivilegeCount, subtype = self._context.symbol_space[self.get_symbol_table_name()].get_type( "_LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES")): # The Attributes member is a flag enabled = luid.Attributes & 2 != 0 default = luid.Attributes & 1 != 0 yield luid.Luid.LowPart, True, enabled, default else: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "Broken Token Privileges.")
[docs]class KTHREAD(objects.StructType): """A class for thread control block objects."""
[docs] def get_state(self) -> str: dictState = { 0: 'Initialized', 1: 'Ready', 2: 'Running', 3: 'Standby', 4: 'Terminated', 5: 'Waiting', 6: 'Transition', 7: 'DeferredReady', 8: 'GateWait' } return dictState.get(self.State, renderers.NotApplicableValue())
[docs] def get_wait_reason(self) -> str: dictWaitReason = { 0: 'Executive', 1: 'FreePage', 2: 'PageIn', 3: 'PoolAllocation', 4: 'DelayExecution', 5: 'Suspended', 6: 'UserRequest', 7: 'WrExecutive', 8: 'WrFreePage', 9: 'WrPageIn', 10: 'WrPoolAllocation', 11: 'WrDelayExecution', 12: 'WrSuspended', 13: 'WrUserRequest', 14: 'WrEventPair', 15: 'WrQueue', 16: 'WrLpcReceive', 17: 'WrLpcReply', 18: 'WrVirtualMemory', 19: 'WrPageOut', 20: 'WrRendezvous', 21: 'Spare2', 22: 'Spare3', 23: 'Spare4', 24: 'Spare5', 25: 'Spare6', 26: 'WrKernel', 27: 'WrResource', 28: 'WrPushLock', 29: 'WrMutex', 30: 'WrQuantumEnd', 31: 'WrDispatchInt', 32: 'WrPreempted', 33: 'WrYieldExecution', 34: 'WrFastMutex', 35: 'WrGuardedMutex', 36: 'WrRundown', 37: 'MaximumWaitReason' } return dictWaitReason.get(self.WaitReason, renderers.NotApplicableValue())
[docs]class CONTROL_AREA(objects.StructType): """A class for _CONTROL_AREA structures""" PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000 PAGE_MASK = PAGE_SIZE - 1
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" try: # The Segment.ControlArea should point back to this object if self.Segment.ControlArea != self.vol.offset: return False # The SizeOfSegment should match the total PTEs multiplied by a default page size if self.Segment.SizeOfSegment != (self.Segment.TotalNumberOfPtes * self.PAGE_SIZE): return False # The first SubsectionBase should not be page aligned #subsection = self.get_subsection() #if subsection.SubsectionBase & self.PAGE_MASK == 0: # return False except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False # True if everything else passes return True
[docs] def get_subsection(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Get the Subsection object, which is found immediately after the _CONTROL_AREA.""" return self._context.object(self.get_symbol_table_name() + constants.BANG + "_SUBSECTION", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = self.vol.offset + self.vol.size, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name)
[docs] def get_pte(self, offset: int) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Get a PTE object at the requested offset""" return self._context.object(self.get_symbol_table_name() + constants.BANG + "_MMPTE", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = offset, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name)
[docs] def get_available_pages(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """Get the available pages that correspond to a cached file. The tuples generated are (physical_offset, file_offset, page_size). """ symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() mmpte_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_MMPTE") mmpte_size = mmpte_type.size subsection = self.get_subsection() is_64bit = symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name) is_pae = self._context.layers[self.vol.layer_name].metadata.get("pae", False) # This is a null-terminated single-linked list. while subsection != 0: try: if subsection.ControlArea != self.vol.offset: break except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: break # The offset into the file is stored implicitly based on the PTE location within the Subsection. starting_sector = subsection.StartingSector subsection_offset = starting_sector * 0x200 # Similar to the check in is_valid(), make sure the SubsectionBase is not page aligned. #if subsection.SubsectionBase & self.PAGE_MASK == 0: # break ptecount = 0 while ptecount < subsection.PtesInSubsection: pte_offset = subsection.SubsectionBase + (mmpte_size * ptecount) file_offset = subsection_offset + ptecount * 0x1000 try: mmpte = self.get_pte(pte_offset) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: ptecount += 1 continue # First we check if the entry is valid. If so, then we get the physical offset. # The valid entries are actually handled by the hardware. if mmpte.u.Hard.Valid == 1: physoffset = mmpte.u.Hard.PageFrameNumber << 12 yield physoffset, file_offset, self.PAGE_SIZE elif mmpte.u.Soft.Prototype == 1: if not is_64bit and not is_pae: subsection_offset = ((mmpte.u.Subsect.SubsectionAddressHigh << 7) | (mmpte.u.Subsect.SubsectionAddressLow << 3)) # If the entry is not a valid physical address then see if it is in transition. elif mmpte.u.Trans.Transition == 1: physoffset = mmpte.u.Trans.PageFrameNumber << 12 yield physoffset, file_offset, self.PAGE_SIZE # Go to the next PTE entry ptecount += 1 # Go to the next Subsection in the single-linked list subsection = subsection.NextSubsection
[docs]class VACB(objects.StructType): """A class for _VACB structures""" FILEOFFSET_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000
[docs] def get_file_offset(self) -> int: # The FileOffset member of VACB is used to denote the offset within the file where the # view begins. Since all views are 256 KB in size, the bottom 16 bits are used to # store the number of references to the view. return self.Overlay.FileOffset.QuadPart & self.FILEOFFSET_MASK
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" if self.FileSize.QuadPart <= 0 or self.ValidDataLength.QuadPart <= 0: return False if self.SectionSize.QuadPart < 0 or ((self.FileSize.QuadPart < self.ValidDataLength.QuadPart) and (self.ValidDataLength.QuadPart != 0x7fffffffffffffff)): return False return True
[docs] def process_index_array(self, array_pointer: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, level: int, limit: int, vacb_list: Optional[List] = None) -> List: """Recursively process the sparse multilevel VACB index array. :param array_pointer: The address of a possible index array :param level: The current level :param limit: The level where we abandon all hope. Ideally this is 7 :param vacb_list: An array of collected VACBs :return: Collected VACBs """ if vacb_list is None: vacb_list = [] if level > limit: return [] symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() pointer_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer") # Create an array of 128 entries for the VACB index array vacb_array = self._context.object(object_type = symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "array", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = array_pointer, count = self.VACB_ARRAY, subtype = pointer_type) # Iterate through the entries for counter in range(0, self.VACB_ARRAY): # Check if the VACB entry is in use if not vacb_array[counter]: continue vacb_obj = vacb_array[counter].dereference().cast(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB") if vacb_obj.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb_obj, vacb_list) else: # Process the next level of the multi-level array vacb_list = self.process_index_array(vacb_array[counter], level + 1, limit, vacb_list) return vacb_list
[docs] def save_vacb(self, vacb_obj: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, vacb_list: List): data = (int(vacb_obj.BaseAddress), int(vacb_obj.get_file_offset()), self.VACB_BLOCK) vacb_list.append(data)
[docs] def get_available_pages(self) -> List: """Get the available pages that correspond to a cached file. The lists generated are (virtual_offset, file_offset, page_size). """ vacb_list = [] section_size = self.SectionSize.QuadPart # Determine the number of VACBs within the cache (nonpaged). each VACB # represents a 256-KB view in the system cache. full_blocks = section_size // self.VACB_BLOCK left_over = section_size % self.VACB_BLOCK # As an optimization, the shared cache map object contains a VACB index array of four entries. # The VACB index arrays are arrays of pointers to VACBs, that track which views of a given file # are mapped in the cache. For example, the first entry in the VACB index array refers to the first # 256 KB of the file. The InitialVacbs can describe a file up to 1 MB (4xVACB). iterval = 0 while (iterval < full_blocks) and (full_blocks <= 4): vacb_obj = self.InitialVacbs[iterval] try: # Make sure that the SharedCacheMap member of the VACB points back to the parent object. if vacb_obj.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb_obj, vacb_list) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: pass iterval += 1 # We also have to account for the spill over data that is not found in the full blocks. # The first case to consider is when the spill over is still in InitialVacbs. if (left_over > 0) and (full_blocks < 4): vacb_obj = self.InitialVacbs[iterval] if vacb_obj.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb_obj, vacb_list) # If the file is larger than 1 MB, a seperate VACB index array needs to be allocated. # This is based on how many 256 KB blocks would be required for the size of the file. # This newly allocated VACB index array is found through the Vacbs member of SHARED_CACHE_MAP. vacb_obj = self.Vacbs # Note: avoid calling is_valid() here, since self.Vacbs is a pointer to a pointer if not vacb_obj: return vacb_list # There are a number of instances where the initial value in InitialVacb will also be the fist # entry in Vacbs. Thus we ignore, since it was already processed. It is possible to just # process again as the file offset is specified for each VACB. if self.InitialVacbs[0].vol.offset == vacb_obj: return vacb_list # If the file is less than 32 MB than it can be found in a single level VACB index array. symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() pointer_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer") size_of_pointer = pointer_type.size if not section_size > self.VACB_SIZE_OF_FIRST_LEVEL: array_head = vacb_obj for counter in range(0, full_blocks): vacb_entry = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = array_head + (counter * size_of_pointer)) # If we find a zero entry, then we proceed to the next one. If the entry is zero, # then the view is not mapped and we skip. We do not pad because we use the # FileOffset to seek to the correct offset in the file. if not vacb_entry: continue vacb = vacb_entry.dereference().cast(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB") if vacb.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb, vacb_list) if left_over > 0: vacb_entry = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = array_head + ((counter + 1) * size_of_pointer)) if not vacb_entry: return vacb_list vacb = vacb_entry.dereference().cast(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB") if vacb.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb, vacb_list) # The file is less than 32 MB, so we can stop processing. return vacb_list # If we get to this point, then we know that the SectionSize is greater than # VACB_SIZE_OF_FIRST_LEVEL (32 MB). Then we have a "sparse" multilevel index # array where each VACB index array is made up of 128 entries. We no # longer assume the data is sequential. (Log2 (32 MB) - 18)/7 level_depth = math.ceil(math.log(section_size, 2)) level_depth = (level_depth - self.VACB_OFFSET_SHIFT) / self.VACB_LEVEL_SHIFT level_depth = math.ceil(level_depth) limit_depth = level_depth if section_size > self.VACB_SIZE_OF_FIRST_LEVEL: # Create an array of 128 entries for the VACB index array. vacb_array = self._context.object(object_type = symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "array", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = vacb_obj, count = self.VACB_ARRAY, subtype = pointer_type) # Walk the array and if any entry points to the shared cache map object then we extract it. # Otherwise, if it is non-zero, then traverse to the next level. for counter in range(0, self.VACB_ARRAY): if not vacb_array[counter]: continue vacb = vacb_array[counter].dereference().cast(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB") if vacb.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb, vacb_list) else: # Process the next level of the multi-level array. We set the limit_depth to be # the depth of the tree as determined from the size and we initialize the # current level to 2. vacb_list = self.process_index_array(vacb_array[counter], 2, limit_depth, vacb_list) return vacb_list