Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import datetime
from typing import Dict, Set

from volatility3.framework import objects, interfaces, renderers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.renderers import format_hints
from import pslist

[docs]class PsTree(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Plugin for listing processes in a tree based on their parent process ID.""" _required_framework_version = (1, 0, 0) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._processes = {} # type: Dict[int, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface] self._levels = {} # type: Dict[int, int] self._children = {} # type: Dict[int, Set[int]]
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls): return [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Memory layer for the kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]), requirements.SymbolTableRequirement(name = "nt_symbols", description = "Windows kernel symbols"), requirements.BooleanRequirement(name = 'physical', description = 'Display physical offsets instead of virtual', default = pslist.PsList.PHYSICAL_DEFAULT, optional = True), requirements.VersionRequirement(name = 'pslist', component = pslist.PsList, version = (2, 0, 0)), requirements.ListRequirement(name = 'pid', element_type = int, description = "Process ID to include (all other processes are excluded)", optional = True) ]
[docs] def find_level(self, pid: objects.Pointer) -> None: """Finds how deep the pid is in the processes list.""" seen = set([]) seen.add(pid) level = 0 proc = self._processes.get(pid, None) while proc is not None and proc.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId not in seen: child_list = self._children.get(proc.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, set([])) child_list.add(proc.UniqueProcessId) self._children[proc.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId] = child_list proc = self._processes.get(proc.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, None) level += 1 self._levels[pid] = level
def _generator(self): """Generates the Tree of processes.""" for proc in pslist.PsList.list_processes(self.context, self.config['primary'], self.config['nt_symbols']): if not self.config.get('physical', pslist.PsList.PHYSICAL_DEFAULT): offset = proc.vol.offset else: layer_name = self.config['primary'] memory = self.context.layers[layer_name] (_, _, offset, _, _) = list(memory.mapping(offset = proc.vol.offset, length = 0))[0] self._processes[proc.UniqueProcessId] = proc # Build the child/level maps for pid in self._processes: self.find_level(pid) def yield_processes(pid): proc = self._processes[pid] row = (proc.UniqueProcessId, proc.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId, proc.ImageFileName.cast("string", max_length = proc.ImageFileName.vol.count, errors = 'replace'), format_hints.Hex(offset), proc.ActiveThreads, proc.get_handle_count(), proc.get_session_id(), proc.get_is_wow64(), proc.get_create_time(), proc.get_exit_time()) yield (self._levels[pid] - 1, row) for child_pid in self._children.get(pid, []): yield from yield_processes(child_pid) for pid in self._levels: if self._levels[pid] == 1: yield from yield_processes(pid)
[docs] def run(self): offsettype = "(V)" if not self.config.get('physical', pslist.PsList.PHYSICAL_DEFAULT) else "(P)" return renderers.TreeGrid([("PID", int), ("PPID", int), ("ImageFileName", str), ("Offset{0}".format(offsettype), format_hints.Hex), ("Threads", int), ("Handles", int), ("SessionId", int), ("Wow64", bool), ("CreateTime", datetime.datetime), ("ExitTime", datetime.datetime)], self._generator())