Source code for volatility3.cli.text_renderer

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import datetime
import json
import logging
import random
import string
import sys
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Any, List, Tuple, Dict

from volatility3.framework import interfaces, renderers
from volatility3.framework.renderers import format_hints

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import capstone
except ImportError:
    vollog.debug("Disassembly library capstone not found")

[docs]def hex_bytes_as_text(value: bytes) -> str: """Renders HexBytes as text. Args: value: A series of bytes to convert to text Returns: A text representation of the hexadecimal bytes plus their ascii equivalents, separated by newline characters """ if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise TypeError(f"hex_bytes_as_text takes bytes not: {type(value)}") ascii = [] hex = [] count = 0 output = "" for byte in value: hex.append(f"{byte:02x}") ascii.append(chr(byte) if 0x20 < byte <= 0x7E else ".") if (count % 8) == 7: output += "\n" output += " ".join(hex[count - 7:count + 1]) output += "\t" output += "".join(ascii[count - 7:count + 1]) count += 1 return output
[docs]def multitypedata_as_text(value: format_hints.MultiTypeData) -> str: """Renders the bytes as a string where possible, otherwise it displays hex data This attempts to convert the string based on its encoding and if no data's been lost due to the split on the null character, then it displays it as is """ if value.show_hex: return hex_bytes_as_text(value) string_representation = str(value, encoding = value.encoding, errors = 'replace') if value.split_nulls and ((len(value) / 2 - 1) <= len(string_representation) <= (len(value) / 2)): return "\n".join(string_representation.split("\x00")) if len(string_representation) - 1 <= len(string_representation.split("\x00")[0]) <= len(string_representation): return string_representation.split("\x00")[0] return hex_bytes_as_text(value)
[docs]def optional(func: Callable) -> Callable: @wraps(func) def wrapped(x: Any) -> str: if isinstance(x, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue): if isinstance(x, renderers.NotApplicableValue): return "N/A" else: return "-" return func(x) return wrapped
[docs]def quoted_optional(func: Callable) -> Callable: @wraps(func) def wrapped(x: Any) -> str: result = optional(func)(x) if result == "-" or result == "N/A": return "" if isinstance(x, format_hints.MultiTypeData) and x.converted_int: return f"{result}" if isinstance(x, int) and not isinstance(x, (format_hints.Hex, format_hints.Bin)): return f"{result}" return f"\"{result}\"" return wrapped
[docs]def display_disassembly(disasm: interfaces.renderers.Disassembly) -> str: """Renders a disassembly renderer type into string format. Args: disasm: Input disassembly objects Returns: A string as rendererd by capstone where available, otherwise output as if it were just bytes """ if CAPSTONE_PRESENT: disasm_types = { 'intel': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_32), 'intel64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_64), 'arm': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM), 'arm64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM) } output = "" if disasm.architecture is not None: for i in disasm_types[disasm.architecture].disasm(, disasm.offset): output += f"\n0x{i.address:x}:\t{i.mnemonic}\t{i.op_str}" return output return QuickTextRenderer._type_renderers[bytes](
[docs]class CLIRenderer(interfaces.renderers.Renderer): """Class to add specific requirements for CLI renderers.""" name = "unnamed" structured_output = False
[docs]class QuickTextRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = { format_hints.Bin: optional(lambda x: f"0b{x:b}"), format_hints.Hex: optional(lambda x: f"0x{x:x}"), format_hints.HexBytes: optional(hex_bytes_as_text), format_hints.MultiTypeData: quoted_optional(multitypedata_as_text), interfaces.renderers.Disassembly: optional(display_disassembly), bytes: optional(lambda x: " ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in x])), datetime.datetime: optional(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z")), 'default': optional(lambda x: f"{x}") } name = "quick"
[docs] def get_render_options(self): pass
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid) -> None: """Renders each column immediately to stdout. This does not format each line's width appropriately, it merely tab separates each field Args: grid: The TreeGrid object to render """ # TODO: Docstrings # TODO: Improve text output outfd = sys.stdout line = [] for column in grid.columns: # Ignore the type because namedtuples don't realize they have accessible attributes line.append(f"{}") outfd.write("\n{}\n".format("\t".join(line))) def visitor(node: interfaces.renderers.TreeNode, accumulator): accumulator.write("\n") # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case accumulator.write("*" * max(0, node.path_depth - 1) + ("" if (node.path_depth <= 1) else " ")) line = [] for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) line.append(renderer(node.values[column_index])) accumulator.write("{}".format("\t".join(line))) accumulator.flush() return accumulator if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, outfd) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = outfd) outfd.write("\n")
[docs]class CSVRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = { format_hints.Bin: quoted_optional(lambda x: f"0b{x:b}"), format_hints.Hex: quoted_optional(lambda x: f"0x{x:x}"), format_hints.HexBytes: quoted_optional(hex_bytes_as_text), format_hints.MultiTypeData: quoted_optional(multitypedata_as_text), interfaces.renderers.Disassembly: quoted_optional(display_disassembly), bytes: quoted_optional(lambda x: " ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in x])), datetime.datetime: quoted_optional(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z")), 'default': quoted_optional(lambda x: f"{x}") } name = "csv" structured_output = True
[docs] def get_render_options(self): pass
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid) -> None: """Renders each row immediately to stdout. Args: grid: The TreeGrid object to render """ outfd = sys.stdout line = ['"TreeDepth"'] for column in grid.columns: # Ignore the type because namedtuples don't realize they have accessible attributes line.append("{}".format('"' + + '"')) outfd.write(f"{','.join(line)}") def visitor(node: interfaces.renderers.TreeNode, accumulator): accumulator.write("\n") # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case accumulator.write(str(max(0, node.path_depth - 1)) + ",") line = [] for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) line.append(renderer(node.values[column_index])) accumulator.write(f"{','.join(line)}") return accumulator if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, outfd) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = outfd) outfd.write("\n")
[docs]class PrettyTextRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = QuickTextRenderer._type_renderers name = "pretty"
[docs] def get_render_options(self): pass
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid) -> None: """Renders each column immediately to stdout. This does not format each line's width appropriately, it merely tab separates each field Args: grid: The TreeGrid object to render """ # TODO: Docstrings # TODO: Improve text output outfd = sys.stdout sys.stderr.write("Formatting...\n") display_alignment = ">" column_separator = " | " tree_indent_column = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(20)) max_column_widths = dict([(, len( for column in grid.columns]) def visitor( node: interfaces.renderers.TreeNode, accumulator: List[Tuple[int, Dict[interfaces.renderers.Column, bytes]]] ) -> List[Tuple[int, Dict[interfaces.renderers.Column, bytes]]]: # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case max_column_widths[tree_indent_column] = max(max_column_widths.get(tree_indent_column, 0), node.path_depth) line = {} for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) data = renderer(node.values[column_index]) max_column_widths[] = max(max_column_widths.get(, len(, len(f"{data}")) line[column] = data accumulator.append((node.path_depth, line)) return accumulator final_output: List[Tuple[int, Dict[interfaces.renderers.Column, bytes]]] = [] if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, final_output) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = final_output) # Always align the tree to the left format_string_list = ["{0:<" + str(max_column_widths.get(tree_indent_column, 0)) + "s}"] for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] format_string_list.append("{" + str(column_index + 1) + ":" + display_alignment + str(max_column_widths[]) + "s}") format_string = column_separator.join(format_string_list) + "\n" column_titles = [""] + [ for column in grid.columns] outfd.write(format_string.format(*column_titles)) for (depth, line) in final_output: outfd.write(format_string.format("*" * depth, *[line[column] for column in grid.columns]))
[docs]class JsonRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = { format_hints.HexBytes: quoted_optional(hex_bytes_as_text), interfaces.renderers.Disassembly: quoted_optional(display_disassembly), format_hints.MultiTypeData: quoted_optional(multitypedata_as_text), bytes: optional(lambda x: " ".join([f"{b:02x}" for b in x])), datetime.datetime: lambda x: x.isoformat() if not isinstance(x, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue) else None, 'default': lambda x: x } name = 'JSON' structured_output = True
[docs] def get_render_options(self) -> List[interfaces.renderers.RenderOption]: pass
[docs] def output_result(self, outfd, result): """Outputs the JSON data to a file in a particular format""" outfd.write(json.dumps(result, indent = 2, sort_keys = True))
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid): outfd = sys.stdout outfd.write("\n") final_output: Tuple[Dict[str, List[interfaces.renderers.TreeNode]], List[interfaces.renderers.TreeNode]] = ( {}, []) def visitor( node: interfaces.renderers.TreeNode, accumulator: Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case acc_map, final_tree = accumulator node_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {'__children': []} for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) data = renderer(list(node.values)[column_index]) if isinstance(data, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue): data = None node_dict[] = data if node.parent: acc_map[node.parent.path]['__children'].append(node_dict) else: final_tree.append(node_dict) acc_map[node.path] = node_dict return (acc_map, final_tree) if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, final_output) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = final_output) self.output_result(outfd, final_output[1])
[docs]class JsonLinesRenderer(JsonRenderer): name = 'JSONL'
[docs] def output_result(self, outfd, result): """Outputs the JSON results as JSON lines""" for line in result: outfd.write(json.dumps(line, sort_keys = True)) outfd.write("\n")