Source code for volatility3.cli.volshell.generic

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import binascii
import code
import io
import random
import string
import struct
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type, Iterable
from urllib import request, parse

from volatility3.cli import text_renderer, volshell
from volatility3.framework import renderers, interfaces, objects, plugins, exceptions
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import intel, physical, resources

    import capstone

    has_capstone = True
except ImportError:
    has_capstone = False

[docs]class Volshell(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Shell environment to directly interact with a memory image.""" _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__current_layer: Optional[str] = None self.__console = None
[docs] def random_string(self, length: int = 32) -> str: return ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, length))
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: reqs: List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface] = [] if cls == Volshell: reqs = [ requirements.URIRequirement(name = 'script', description = 'File to load and execute at start', default = None, optional = True) ] return reqs + [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Memory layer for the kernel'), ]
[docs] def run(self, additional_locals: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid: """Runs the interactive volshell plugin. Returns: Return a TreeGrid but this is always empty since the point of this plugin is to run interactively """ self.__current_layer = self.config['primary'] # Try to enable tab completion try: import readline except ImportError: pass else: import rlcompleter completer = rlcompleter.Completer(namespace = self._construct_locals_dict()) readline.set_completer(completer.complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") print("Readline imported successfully") # TODO: provide help, consider generic functions (pslist?) and/or providing windows/linux functions mode = self.__module__.split('.')[-1] mode = mode[0].upper() + mode[1:] banner = f""" Call help() to see available functions Volshell mode: {mode} Current Layer: {self.current_layer} """ sys.ps1 = f"({self.current_layer}) >>> " self.__console = code.InteractiveConsole(locals = self._construct_locals_dict()) # Since we have to do work to add the option only once for all different modes of volshell, we can't # rely on the default having been set if self.config.get('script', None) is not None: self.run_script(location = self.config['script']) self.__console.interact(banner = banner) return renderers.TreeGrid([("Terminating", str)], None)
[docs] def help(self, *args): """Describes the available commands""" if args: help(*args) return variables = [] print("\nMethods:") for aliases, item in self.construct_locals(): name = ", ".join(aliases) if item.__doc__ and callable(item): print(f"* {name}") print(f" {item.__doc__}") else: variables.append(name) print("\nVariables:") for var in variables: print(f" {var}")
[docs] def construct_locals(self) -> List[Tuple[List[str], Any]]: """Returns a dictionary listing the functions to be added to the environment.""" return [(['dt', 'display_type'], self.display_type), (['db', 'display_bytes'], self.display_bytes), (['dw', 'display_words'], self.display_words), (['dd', 'display_doublewords'], self.display_doublewords), (['dq', 'display_quadwords'], self.display_quadwords), (['dis', 'disassemble'], self.disassemble), (['cl', 'change_layer'], self.change_layer), (['context'], self.context), (['self'], self), (['dpo', 'display_plugin_output'], self.display_plugin_output), (['gt', 'generate_treegrid'], self.generate_treegrid), (['rt', 'render_treegrid'], self.render_treegrid), (['ds', 'display_symbols'], self.display_symbols), (['hh', 'help'],, (['cc', 'create_configurable'], self.create_configurable), (['lf', 'load_file'], self.load_file), (['rs', 'run_script'], self.run_script)]
def _construct_locals_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a dictionary of the locals """ result = {} for aliases, value in self.construct_locals(): for alias in aliases: result[alias] = value return result def _read_data(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Reads the bytes necessary for the display_* methods""" return self.context.layers[layer_name or self.current_layer].read(offset, count) def _display_data(self, offset: int, remaining_data: bytes, format_string: str = "B", ascii: bool = True): """Display a series of bytes""" chunk_size = struct.calcsize(format_string) data_length = len(remaining_data) remaining_data = remaining_data[:data_length - (data_length % chunk_size)] while remaining_data: current_line, remaining_data = remaining_data[:16], remaining_data[16:] data_blocks = [current_line[chunk_size * i:chunk_size * (i + 1)] for i in range(16 // chunk_size)] data_blocks = [x for x in data_blocks if x != b''] valid_data = [("{:0" + str(2 * chunk_size) + "x}").format(struct.unpack(format_string, x)[0]) for x in data_blocks] padding_data = [" " * 2 * chunk_size for _ in range((16 - len(current_line)) // chunk_size)] hex_data = " ".join(valid_data + padding_data) ascii_data = "" if ascii: connector = " " if chunk_size < 2: connector = "" ascii_data = connector.join([self._ascii_bytes(x) for x in valid_data]) print(hex(offset), " ", hex_data, " ", ascii_data) offset += 16 @staticmethod def _ascii_bytes(bytes): """Converts bytes into an ascii string""" return "".join([chr(x) if 32 < x < 127 else '.' for x in binascii.unhexlify(bytes)]) @property def current_layer(self): return self.__current_layer
[docs] def change_layer(self, layer_name = None): """Changes the current default layer""" if not layer_name: layer_name = self.config['primary'] self.__current_layer = layer_name sys.ps1 = f"({self.current_layer}) >>> "
[docs] def display_bytes(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays byte values and ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data)
[docs] def display_quadwords(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays quad-word values (8 bytes) and corresponding ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data, format_string = "Q")
[docs] def display_doublewords(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays double-word values (4 bytes) and corresponding ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data, format_string = "I")
[docs] def display_words(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays word values (2 bytes) and corresponding ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data, format_string = "H")
[docs] def disassemble(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None, architecture = None): """Disassembles a number of instructions from the code at offset""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) if not has_capstone: print("Capstone not available - please install it to use the disassemble command") else: if isinstance(self.context.layers[layer_name or self.current_layer], intel.Intel32e): architecture = 'intel64' elif isinstance(self.context.layers[layer_name or self.current_layer], intel.Intel): architecture = 'intel' disasm_types = { 'intel': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_32), 'intel64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_64), 'arm': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM), 'arm64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM) } if architecture is not None: for i in disasm_types[architecture].disasm(remaining_data, offset): print(f"0x{i.address:x}:\t{i.mnemonic}\t{i.op_str}")
[docs] def display_type(self, object: Union[str, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, interfaces.objects.Template], offset: int = None): """Display Type describes the members of a particular object in alphabetical order""" if not isinstance(object, (str, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, interfaces.objects.Template)): print("Cannot display information about non-type object") return if not isinstance(object, str): # Mypy requires us to order things this way volobject = object elif offset is None: # Str and no offset volobject = self.context.symbol_space.get_type(object) else: # Str and offset volobject = self.context.object(object, layer_name = self.current_layer, offset = offset) if offset is not None: volobject = self.context.object(volobject.vol.type_name, layer_name = self.current_layer, offset = offset) if hasattr(volobject.vol, 'size'): print(f"{volobject.vol.type_name} ({volobject.vol.size} bytes)") elif hasattr(volobject.vol, 'data_format'): data_format = volobject.vol.data_format print("{} ({} bytes, {} endian, {})".format(volobject.vol.type_name, data_format.length, data_format.byteorder, 'signed' if data_format.signed else 'unsigned')) if hasattr(volobject.vol, 'members'): longest_member = longest_offset = longest_typename = 0 for member in volobject.vol.members: relative_offset, member_type = volobject.vol.members[member] longest_member = max(len(member), longest_member) longest_offset = max(len(hex(relative_offset)), longest_offset) longest_typename = max(len(member_type.vol.type_name), longest_typename) for member in sorted(volobject.vol.members, key = lambda x: (volobject.vol.members[x][0], x)): relative_offset, member_type = volobject.vol.members[member] len_offset = len(hex(relative_offset)) len_member = len(member) len_typename = len(member_type.vol.type_name) if isinstance(volobject, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface): # We're an instance, so also display the data print(" " * (longest_offset - len_offset), hex(relative_offset), ": ", member, " " * (longest_member - len_member), " ", member_type.vol.type_name, " " * (longest_typename - len_typename), " ", self._display_value(getattr(volobject, member))) else: print(" " * (longest_offset - len_offset), hex(relative_offset), ": ", member, " " * (longest_member - len_member), " ", member_type.vol.type_name)
@classmethod def _display_value(self, value: Any) -> str: if isinstance(value, objects.PrimitiveObject): return repr(value) elif isinstance(value, objects.Array): return repr([self._display_value(val) for val in value]) else: return hex(value.vol.offset)
[docs] def generate_treegrid(self, plugin: Type[interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface], **kwargs) -> Optional[interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid]: """Generates a TreeGrid based on a specific plugin passing in kwarg configuration values""" path_join = interfaces.configuration.path_join # Generate a temporary configuration path plugin_config_suffix = self.random_string() plugin_path = path_join(self.config_path, plugin_config_suffix) # Populate the configuration for name, value in kwargs.items(): self.config[path_join(plugin_config_suffix, plugin.__name__, name)] = value try: constructed = plugins.construct_plugin(self.context, [], plugin, plugin_path, None, NullFileHandler) return except exceptions.UnsatisfiedException as excp: print(f"Unable to validate the plugin requirements: {[x for x in excp.unsatisfied]}\n") return None
[docs] def render_treegrid(self, treegrid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid, renderer: Optional[interfaces.renderers.Renderer] = None) -> None: """Renders a treegrid as produced by generate_treegrid""" if renderer is None: renderer = text_renderer.QuickTextRenderer() renderer.render(treegrid)
[docs] def display_plugin_output(self, plugin: Type[interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface], **kwargs) -> None: """Displays the output for a particular plugin (with keyword arguments)""" treegrid = self.generate_treegrid(plugin, **kwargs) if treegrid is not None: self.render_treegrid(treegrid)
[docs] def display_symbols(self, symbol_table: str = None): """Prints an alphabetical list of symbols for a symbol table""" if symbol_table is None: print("No symbol table provided") return longest_offset = longest_name = 0 table = self.context.symbol_space[symbol_table] for symbol_name in table.symbols: symbol = table.get_symbol(symbol_name) longest_offset = max(longest_offset, len(hex(symbol.address))) longest_name = max(longest_name, len( for symbol_name in sorted(table.symbols): symbol = table.get_symbol(symbol_name) len_offset = len(hex(symbol.address)) print(" " * (longest_offset - len_offset), hex(symbol.address), " ",
[docs] def run_script(self, location: str): """Runs a python script within the context of volshell""" if not parse.urlparse(location).scheme: location = "file:" + request.pathname2url(location) print(f"Running code from {location}\n") accessor = resources.ResourceAccessor() with io.TextIOWrapper( = location), encoding = 'utf-8') as fp: self.__console.runsource(, symbol = 'exec') print("\nCode complete")
[docs] def load_file(self, location: str): """Loads a file into a Filelayer and returns the name of the layer""" layer_name = self.context.layers.free_layer_name() location = volshell.VolShell.location_from_file(location) current_config_path = 'volshell.layers.' + layer_name self.context.config[interfaces.configuration.path_join(current_config_path, "location")] = location layer = physical.FileLayer(self.context, current_config_path, layer_name) self.context.add_layer(layer) return layer_name
[docs] def create_configurable(self, clazz: Type[interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface], **kwargs): """Creates a configurable object, converting arguments to configuration""" config_name = self.random_string() config_path = 'volshell.configurable.' + config_name constructor_args = {} constructor_keywords = [] if issubclass(clazz, interfaces.layers.DataLayerInterface): constructor_keywords = [('name', self.context.layers.free_layer_name(config_name)), ('metadata', None)] if issubclass(clazz, interfaces.symbols.SymbolTableInterface): constructor_keywords = [('name', self.context.symbol_space.free_table_name(config_name)), ('native_types', None), ('table_mapping', None), ('class_types', None)] for argname, default in constructor_keywords: constructor_args[argname] = kwargs.get(argname, default) if argname in kwargs: del kwargs[argname] for keyword in kwargs: val = kwargs[keyword] if not isinstance(val, interfaces.configuration.BasicTypes) and not isinstance(val, list): if not isinstance(val, list) or all([isinstance(x, interfaces.configuration.BasicTypes) for x in val]): raise TypeError("Configurable values must be simple types (int, bool, str, bytes)") self.context.config[config_path + '.' + keyword] = val constructed = clazz(self.context, config_path, **constructor_args) if isinstance(constructed, interfaces.layers.DataLayerInterface): self.context.add_layer(constructed) if isinstance(constructed, interfaces.symbols.SymbolTableInterface): self.context.symbol_space.append(constructed) return constructed
[docs]class NullFileHandler(io.BytesIO, interfaces.plugins.FileHandlerInterface): """Null FileHandler that swallows files whole without consuming memory""" def __init__(self, preferred_name: str): interfaces.plugins.FileHandlerInterface.__init__(self, preferred_name) super().__init__()
[docs] def writelines(self, lines: Iterable[bytes]): """Dummy method""" pass
[docs] def write(self, b: bytes): """Dummy method""" return len(b)