Source code for volatility3.framework.automagic.pdbscan

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
"""A module for scanning translation layers looking for Windows PDB records
from loaded PE files.

This module contains a standalone scanner, and also a :class:`~volatility3.framework.interfaces.layers.ScannerInterface`
based scanner for use within the framework by calling :func:`~volatility3.framework.interfaces.layers.DataLayerInterface.scan`.
import logging
import math
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, Callable

from volatility3.framework import constants, exceptions, interfaces, layers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import intel, scanners
from volatility3.framework.symbols import native
from import PDBUtility

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys


vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ValidKernelType = Tuple[str, int, Dict[str, Optional[Union[bytes, str, int]]]]
KernelsType = Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]

[docs]class KernelPDBScanner(interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface): """Windows symbol loader based on PDB signatures. An Automagic object that looks for all Intel translation layers and scans each of them for a pdb signature. When found, a search for a corresponding Intermediate Format data file is carried out and if found an appropriate symbol space is automatically loaded. Once a specific kernel PDB signature has been found, a virtual address for the loaded kernel is determined by one of two methods. The first method assumes a specific mapping from the kernel's physical address to its virtual address (typically the kernel is loaded at its physical location plus a specific offset). The second method searches for a particular structure that lists the kernel module's virtual address, its size (not checked) and the module's name. This value is then used if one was not found using the previous method. """ priority = 30 max_pdb_size = 0x400000
[docs] def find_virtual_layers_from_req(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, requirement: interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface) -> List[str]: """Traverses the requirement tree, rooted at `requirement` looking for virtual layers that might contain a windows PDB. Returns a list of possible layers Args: context: The context in which the `requirement` lives config_path: The path within the `context` for the `requirement`'s configuration variables requirement: The root of the requirement tree to search for :class:~`volatility3.framework.interfaces.layers.TranslationLayerRequirement` objects to scan Returns: A list of (layer_name, scan_results) """ sub_config_path = interfaces.configuration.path_join(config_path, results: List[str] = [] if isinstance(requirement, requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement): # Check for symbols in this layer # FIXME: optionally allow a full (slow) scan # FIXME: Determine the physical layer no matter the virtual layer virtual_layer_name = context.config.get(sub_config_path, None) layer_name = context.config.get(interfaces.configuration.path_join(sub_config_path, "memory_layer"), None) if layer_name and virtual_layer_name: memlayer = context.layers[virtual_layer_name] if isinstance(memlayer, intel.Intel): results = [virtual_layer_name] else: for subreq in requirement.requirements.values(): results += self.find_virtual_layers_from_req(context, sub_config_path, subreq) return results
[docs] def recurse_symbol_fulfiller(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, valid_kernel: ValidKernelType, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> None: """Fulfills the SymbolTableRequirements in `self._symbol_requirements` found by the `recurse_symbol_requirements`. This pass will construct any requirements that may need it in the context it was passed Args: context: Context on which to operate valid_kernel: A list of offsets where valid kernels have been found progress_callback: Means of providing the user with feedback during long processes """ for sub_config_path, requirement in self._symbol_requirements: # TODO: Potentially think about multiple symbol requirements in both the same and different levels of the requirement tree # TODO: Consider whether a single found kernel can fulfill multiple requirements if valid_kernel: # TODO: Check that the symbols for this kernel will fulfill the requirement virtual_layer, _kvo, kernel = valid_kernel if not isinstance(kernel['pdb_name'], str) or not isinstance(kernel['GUID'], str): raise TypeError("PDB name or GUID not a string value") PDBUtility.load_windows_symbol_table( context = context, guid = kernel['GUID'], age = kernel['age'], pdb_name = kernel['pdb_name'], symbol_table_class = "", config_path = sub_config_path, progress_callback = progress_callback) else: vollog.debug("No suitable kernel pdb signature found")
[docs] def set_kernel_virtual_offset(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, valid_kernel: ValidKernelType) -> None: """Traverses the requirement tree, looking for kernel_virtual_offset values that may need setting and sets it based on the previously identified `valid_kernel`. Args: context: Context on which to operate and provide the kernel virtual offset valid_kernel: List of valid kernels and offsets """ if valid_kernel: # Set the virtual offset under the TranslationLayer it applies to virtual_layer, kvo, kernel = valid_kernel if kvo is not None: kvo_path = interfaces.configuration.path_join(context.layers[virtual_layer].config_path, 'kernel_virtual_offset') context.config[kvo_path] = kvo vollog.debug(f"Setting kernel_virtual_offset to {hex(kvo)}")
[docs] def get_physical_layer_name(self, context, vlayer): return context.config.get(interfaces.configuration.path_join(vlayer.config_path, 'memory_layer'), None)
[docs] def method_slow_scan(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: def test_virtual_kernel(physical_layer_name, virtual_layer_name: str, kernel: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: # It seems the kernel is loaded at a fixed mapping (presumably because the memory manager hasn't started yet) if kernel['mz_offset'] is None or not isinstance(kernel['mz_offset'], int): # Rule out kernels that couldn't find a suitable MZ header return None return (virtual_layer_name, kernel['mz_offset'], kernel) vollog.debug("Kernel base determination - slow scan virtual layer") return self._method_layer_pdb_scan(context, vlayer, test_virtual_kernel, False, progress_callback)
[docs] def method_fixed_mapping(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: def test_physical_kernel(physical_layer_name:str , virtual_layer_name: str, kernel: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: # It seems the kernel is loaded at a fixed mapping (presumably because the memory manager hasn't started yet) if kernel['mz_offset'] is None or not isinstance(kernel['mz_offset'], int): # Rule out kernels that couldn't find a suitable MZ header return None if vlayer.bits_per_register == 64: kvo = kernel['mz_offset'] + (31 << int(math.ceil(math.log2(vlayer.maximum_address + 1)) - 5)) else: kvo = kernel['mz_offset'] + (1 << (vlayer.bits_per_register - 1)) try: kvp = vlayer.mapping(kvo, 0) if (any([(p == kernel['mz_offset'] and layer_name == physical_layer_name) for (_, _, p, _, layer_name) in kvp])): return (virtual_layer_name, kvo, kernel) else: vollog.debug("Potential kernel_virtual_offset did not map to expected location: {}".format( hex(kvo))) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.debug(f"Potential kernel_virtual_offset caused a page fault: {hex(kvo)}") vollog.debug("Kernel base determination - testing fixed base address") return self._method_layer_pdb_scan(context, vlayer, test_physical_kernel, True, progress_callback)
def _method_layer_pdb_scan(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, test_kernel: Callable, physical: bool = True, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: # TODO: Verify this is a windows image valid_kernel = None virtual_layer_name = physical_layer_name = self.get_physical_layer_name(context, vlayer) layer_to_scan = physical_layer_name if not physical: layer_to_scan = virtual_layer_name kernel_pdb_names = [bytes(name + ".pdb", "utf-8") for name in] kernels = PDBUtility.pdbname_scan(ctx = context, layer_name = layer_to_scan, page_size = vlayer.page_size, pdb_names = kernel_pdb_names, progress_callback = progress_callback) for kernel in kernels: valid_kernel = test_kernel(physical_layer_name, virtual_layer_name, kernel) if valid_kernel is not None: break return valid_kernel def _method_offset(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, pattern: bytes, result_offset: int, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: """Method for finding a suitable kernel offset based on a module table.""" vollog.debug("Kernel base determination - searching layer module list structure") valid_kernel: Optional[ValidKernelType] = None # If we're here, chances are high we're in a Win10 x64 image with kernel base randomization physical_layer_name = self.get_physical_layer_name(context, vlayer) physical_layer = context.layers[physical_layer_name] # TODO: On older windows, this might be \WINDOWS\system32\nt rather than \SystemRoot\system32\nt results = physical_layer.scan(context, scanners.BytesScanner(pattern), progress_callback = progress_callback) seen: Set[int] = set() # Because this will launch a scan of the virtual layer, we want to be careful for result in results: # TODO: Identify the specific structure we're finding and document this a bit better pointer = context.object("pdbscan!unsigned long long", offset = (result + result_offset), layer_name = physical_layer_name) address = pointer & vlayer.address_mask if address in seen: continue seen.add(address) valid_kernel = self.check_kernel_offset(context, vlayer, address, progress_callback) if valid_kernel: break return valid_kernel
[docs] def method_module_offset(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: return self._method_offset(context, vlayer, b"\\SystemRoot\\system32\\nt", -16 - int(vlayer.bits_per_register / 8), progress_callback)
[docs] def method_kdbg_offset(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: return self._method_offset(context, vlayer, b"KDBG", 8, progress_callback)
[docs] def check_kernel_offset(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, vlayer:, address: int, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: """Scans a virtual address.""" # Scan a few megs of the virtual space at the location to see if they're potential kernels valid_kernel: Optional[ValidKernelType] = None kernel_pdb_names = [bytes(name + ".pdb", "utf-8") for name in] virtual_layer_name = try: if, 0x2) == b'MZ': res = list( PDBUtility.pdbname_scan(ctx = context, layer_name =, page_size = vlayer.page_size, pdb_names = kernel_pdb_names, progress_callback = progress_callback, start = address, end = address + self.max_pdb_size)) if res: valid_kernel = (virtual_layer_name, address, res[0]) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: pass return valid_kernel
# List of methods to be run, in order, to determine the valid kernels methods = [method_kdbg_offset, method_module_offset, method_fixed_mapping, method_slow_scan]
[docs] def determine_valid_kernel(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, potential_layers: List[str], progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> Optional[ValidKernelType]: """Runs through the identified potential kernels and verifies their suitability. This carries out a scan using the pdb_signature scanner on a physical layer. It uses the results of the scan to determine the virtual offset of the kernel. On early windows implementations there is a fixed mapping between the physical and virtual addresses of the kernel. On more recent versions a search is conducted for a structure that will identify the kernel's virtual offset. Args: context: Context on which to operate potential_layers: List of layer names that the kernel might live at progress_callback: Function taking a percentage and optional description to be called during expensive computations to indicate progress Returns: A dictionary of valid kernels """ valid_kernel: Optional[ValidKernelType] = None for virtual_layer_name in potential_layers: vlayer = context.layers.get(virtual_layer_name, None) if isinstance(vlayer, for method in self.methods: valid_kernel = method(self, context, vlayer, progress_callback) if valid_kernel: break if not valid_kernel:"No suitable kernels found during pdbscan") return valid_kernel
def __call__(self, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, config_path: str, requirement: interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> None: if requirement.unsatisfied(context, config_path): if "pdbscan" not in context.symbol_space: context.symbol_space.append(native.NativeTable("pdbscan", native.std_ctypes)) # TODO: check if this is a windows symbol requirement, otherwise ignore it self._symbol_requirements = self.find_requirements(context, config_path, requirement, requirements.SymbolTableRequirement) potential_layers = self.find_virtual_layers_from_req(context = context, config_path = config_path, requirement = requirement) for sub_config_path, symbol_req in self._symbol_requirements: parent_path = interfaces.configuration.parent_path(sub_config_path) if symbol_req.unsatisfied(context, parent_path): valid_kernel = self.determine_valid_kernel(context, potential_layers, progress_callback) if valid_kernel: self.set_kernel_virtual_offset(context, valid_kernel) self.recurse_symbol_fulfiller(context, valid_kernel, progress_callback) if progress_callback is not None: progress_callback(100, "PDB scanning finished")