Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import logging
from typing import Iterable, List, Generator

from volatility3.framework import renderers, interfaces, exceptions, constants
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.renderers import format_hints
from volatility3.framework.symbols import intermed
from import pe
from import poolscanner, dlllist, pslist

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModScan(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Scans for modules present in a particular windows memory image.""" _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) _version = (1, 0, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls): return [ requirements.ModuleRequirement(name = 'kernel', description = 'Windows kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]), requirements.VersionRequirement(name = 'poolerscanner', component = poolscanner.PoolScanner, version = (1, 0, 0)), requirements.VersionRequirement(name = 'pslist', component = pslist.PsList, version = (2, 0, 0)), requirements.VersionRequirement(name = 'dlllist', component = dlllist.DllList, version = (2, 0, 0)), requirements.BooleanRequirement(name = 'dump', description = "Extract listed modules", default = False, optional = True) ]
[docs] @classmethod def scan_modules(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, symbol_table: str) -> \ Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Scans for modules using the poolscanner module and constraints. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from layer_name: The name of the layer on which to operate symbol_table: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols Returns: A list of Driver objects as found from the `layer_name` layer based on Driver pool signatures """ constraints = poolscanner.PoolScanner.builtin_constraints(symbol_table, [b'MmLd']) for result in poolscanner.PoolScanner.generate_pool_scan(context, layer_name, symbol_table, constraints): _constraint, mem_object, _header = result yield mem_object
[docs] @classmethod def get_session_layers(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, symbol_table: str, pids: List[int] = None) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Build a cache of possible virtual layers, in priority starting with the primary/kernel layer. Then keep one layer per session by cycling through the process list. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from layer_name: The name of the layer on which to operate symbol_table: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols pids: A list of process identifiers to include exclusively or None for no filter Returns: A list of session layer names """ seen_ids: List[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface] = [] filter_func = pslist.PsList.create_pid_filter(pids or []) for proc in pslist.PsList.list_processes(context = context, layer_name = layer_name, symbol_table = symbol_table, filter_func = filter_func): proc_id = "Unknown" try: proc_id = proc.UniqueProcessId proc_layer_name = proc.add_process_layer() # create the session space object in the process' own layer. # not all processes have a valid session pointer. session_space = context.object(symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_MM_SESSION_SPACE", layer_name = layer_name, offset = proc.Session) if session_space.SessionId in seen_ids: continue except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Process {} does not have a valid Session or a layer could not be constructed for it".format( proc_id)) continue # save the layer if we haven't seen the session yet seen_ids.append(session_space.SessionId) yield proc_layer_name
[docs] @classmethod def find_session_layer(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, session_layers: Iterable[str], base_address: int): """Given a base address and a list of layer names, find a layer that can access the specified address. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from layer_name: The name of the layer on which to operate symbol_table: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols session_layers: A list of session layer names base_address: The base address to identify the layers that can access it Returns: Layer name or None if no layers that contain the base address can be found """ for layer_name in session_layers: if context.layers[layer_name].is_valid(base_address): return layer_name return None
def _generator(self): kernel = self.context.modules[self.config['kernel']] session_layers = list(self.get_session_layers(self.context, kernel.layer_name, kernel.symbol_table_name)) pe_table_name = intermed.IntermediateSymbolTable.create(self.context, self.config_path, "windows", "pe", class_types = pe.class_types) for mod in self.scan_modules(self.context, kernel.layer_name, kernel.symbol_table_name): try: BaseDllName = mod.BaseDllName.get_string() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: BaseDllName = "" try: FullDllName = mod.FullDllName.get_string() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: FullDllName = "" file_output = "Disabled" if self.config['dump']: session_layer_name = self.find_session_layer(self.context, session_layers, mod.DllBase) file_output = f"Cannot find a viable session layer for {mod.DllBase:#x}" if session_layer_name: file_handle = dlllist.DllList.dump_pe(self.context, pe_table_name, mod,, layer_name = session_layer_name) file_output = "Error outputting file" if file_handle: file_output = file_handle.preferred_filename yield (0, (format_hints.Hex(mod.vol.offset), format_hints.Hex(mod.DllBase), format_hints.Hex(mod.SizeOfImage), BaseDllName, FullDllName, file_output))
[docs] def run(self): return renderers.TreeGrid([("Offset", format_hints.Hex), ("Base", format_hints.Hex), ("Size", format_hints.Hex), ("Name", str), ("Path", str), ("File output", str)], self._generator())