Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2020 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import contextlib
import logging
from typing import List

from volatility3.framework import constants, exceptions, interfaces, objects, renderers
from volatility3.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility3.framework.layers import registry
from import pslist
from import hivelist

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Envars(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): "Display process environment variables" _version = (1, 0, 0) _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: # Since we're calling the plugin, make sure we have the plugin's requirements return [ requirements.ModuleRequirement(name = 'kernel', description = 'Windows kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]), requirements.ListRequirement(name = 'pid', description = 'Filter on specific process IDs', element_type = int, optional = True), requirements.BooleanRequirement(name = 'silent', description = 'Suppress common and non-persistent variables', optional = True), requirements.PluginRequirement(name = 'pslist', plugin = pslist.PsList, version = (2, 0, 0)), requirements.PluginRequirement(name = 'hivelist', plugin = hivelist.HiveList, version = (1, 0, 0)) ]
def _get_silent_vars(self) -> List[str]: """Enumerate persistent & common variables. This function collects the global (all users) and user-specific environment variables from the registry. Any variables in a process env block that does not exist in the persistent list was explicitly set with the SetEnvironmentVariable() API. """ values = [] kernel = self.context.modules[self.config['kernel']] for hive in hivelist.HiveList.list_hives(context = self.context, base_config_path = self.config_path, layer_name = kernel.layer_name, symbol_table = kernel.symbol_table_name, hive_offsets = None): sys = False ntuser = False ## The global variables try: key = hive.get_key('CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment') sys = True except KeyError: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): key = hive.get_key('ControlSet001\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment') sys = True if sys: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): for node in key.get_values(): try: value_node_name = node.get_name() if value_node_name: values.append(value_node_name) except (exceptions.InvalidAddressException, registry.RegistryFormatException) as excp: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Error while parsing global environment variables keys (some keys might be excluded)") continue ## The user-specific variables with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): key = hive.get_key('Environment') ntuser = True if ntuser: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): for node in key.get_values(): try: value_node_name = node.get_name() if value_node_name: values.append(value_node_name) except (exceptions.InvalidAddressException, registry.RegistryFormatException) as excp: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Error while parsing user environment variables keys (some keys might be excluded)") continue ## The volatile user variables try: key = hive.get_key('Volatile Environment') except KeyError: continue try: for node in key.get_values(): try: value_node_name = node.get_name() if value_node_name: values.append(value_node_name) except (exceptions.InvalidAddressException, registry.RegistryFormatException) as excp: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Error while parsing volatile environment variables keys (some keys might be excluded)") continue except KeyError: continue ## These are variables set explicitly but are ## common enough to ignore safely. values.extend([ "ProgramFiles", "CommonProgramFiles", "SystemDrive", "SystemRoot", "ProgramData", "PUBLIC", "ALLUSERSPROFILE", "COMPUTERNAME", "SESSIONNAME", "USERNAME", "USERPROFILE", "PROMPT", "USERDOMAIN", "AppData", "CommonFiles", "CommonDesktop", "CommonProgramGroups", "CommonStartMenu", "CommonStartUp", "Cookies", "DesktopDirectory", "Favorites", "History", "NetHood", "PersonalDocuments", "RecycleBin", "StartMenu", "Templates", "AltStartup", "CommonFavorites", "ConnectionWizard", "DocAndSettingRoot", "InternetCache", "windir", "Path", "HOMEDRIVE", "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE", "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", "ProgramFiles(x86)", "CommonProgramFiles(x86)", "CommonProgramW6432", "PSModulePath", "PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER", "FP_NO_HOST_CHECK", "LOCALAPPDATA", "TMP", "ProgramW6432", ]) return values def _generator(self, data): silent_vars = [] if self.config.get('SILENT', None): silent_vars = self._get_silent_vars() for task in data: for var, val in task.environment_variables(): if self.config.get('silent', None): if var in silent_vars: continue yield (0, (int(task.UniqueProcessId), str(objects.utility.array_to_string(task.ImageFileName)), hex(task.get_peb().ProcessParameters.Environment.vol.offset), str(var), str(val)))
[docs] def run(self): filter_func = pslist.PsList.create_pid_filter(self.config.get('pid', None)) kernel = self.context.modules[self.config['kernel']] return renderers.TreeGrid([("PID", int), ("Process", str), ("Block", str), ("Variable", str), ("Value", str)], self._generator( pslist.PsList.list_processes(context = self.context, layer_name = kernel.layer_name, symbol_table = kernel.symbol_table_name, filter_func = filter_func)))