Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2020 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import contextlib
import datetime
import functools
import logging
import math
from typing import Generator, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from volatility3.framework import (
from volatility3.framework.interfaces.objects import ObjectInterface
from volatility3.framework.layers import intel
from volatility3.framework.renderers import conversion
from volatility3.framework.symbols import generic
from import kdbg, pe, pool

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Keep these in a basic module, to prevent import cycles when symbol providers require them

[docs]class KSYSTEM_TIME(objects.StructType): """A system time structure that stores a high and low part."""
[docs] def get_time(self): wintime = (self.High1Time << 32) | self.LowPart return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(wintime)
[docs]class MMVAD_SHORT(objects.StructType): """A class that represents process virtual memory ranges. Each instance is a node in a binary tree structure and is pointed to by VadRoot. """
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_tag(self): vad_address = self.vol.offset # the offset is different on 32 and 64 bits symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] if not symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name): vad_address -= 4 else: vad_address -= 12 try: # TODO: instantiate a _POOL_HEADER and return PoolTag bytesobj = self._context.object( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "bytes", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=vad_address, native_layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, length=4, ) return bytesobj.decode() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None except UnicodeDecodeError: return None
[docs] def traverse(self, visited=None, depth=0): """Traverse the VAD tree, determining each underlying VAD node type by looking up the pool tag for the structure and then casting into a new object.""" # TODO: this is an arbitrary limit chosen based on past observations if depth > 100: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "Vad tree is too deep, something went wrong!" ) raise RuntimeError("Vad tree is too deep") if visited is None: visited = set() vad_address = self.vol.offset if vad_address in visited: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, "VAD node already seen!") return None visited.add(vad_address) tag = self.get_tag() if tag in ["VadS", "VadF"]: target = "_MMVAD_SHORT" elif tag is not None and tag.startswith("Vad"): target = "_MMVAD" elif depth == 0: # the root node at depth 0 is allowed to not have a tag # but we still want to continue and access its right & left child target = None else: # any node other than the root that doesn't have a recognized tag # is just garbage and we skip the node entirely vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, f"Skipping VAD at {self.vol.offset} depth {depth} with tag {tag}", ) return None if target: vad_object = self.cast(target) yield vad_object try: for vad_node in ( self.get_left_child().dereference().traverse(visited, depth + 1) ): yield vad_node except exceptions.InvalidAddressException as excp: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, f"Invalid address on LeftChild: {excp.invalid_address:#x}", ) try: for vad_node in ( self.get_right_child().dereference().traverse(visited, depth + 1) ): yield vad_node except exceptions.InvalidAddressException as excp: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, f"Invalid address on RightChild: {excp.invalid_address:#x}", )
[docs] def get_right_child(self): """Get the right child member.""" if self.has_member("RightChild"): return self.RightChild elif self.has_member("Right"): return self.Right # this is for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("VadNode"): if self.VadNode.has_member("RightChild"): return self.VadNode.RightChild if self.VadNode.has_member("Right"): return self.VadNode.Right # also for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("VadNode"): if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("RightChild"): return self.Core.VadNode.RightChild if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("Right"): return self.Core.VadNode.Right raise AttributeError("Unable to find the right child member")
[docs] def get_left_child(self): """Get the left child member.""" if self.has_member("LeftChild"): return self.LeftChild elif self.has_member("Left"): return self.Left # this is for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("VadNode"): if self.VadNode.has_member("LeftChild"): return self.VadNode.LeftChild if self.VadNode.has_member("Left"): return self.VadNode.Left # also for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("VadNode"): if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("LeftChild"): return self.Core.VadNode.LeftChild if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("Left"): return self.Core.VadNode.Left raise AttributeError("Unable to find the left child member")
[docs] def get_parent(self): """Get the VAD's parent member.""" # this is for xp and 2003 if self.has_member("Parent"): return self.Parent # this is for vista through windows 7 elif self.has_member("u1") and self.u1.has_member("Parent"): return self.u1.Parent & ~0x3 # this is for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("VadNode"): if self.VadNode.has_member("u1"): return self.VadNode.u1.Parent & ~0x3 elif self.VadNode.has_member("ParentValue"): return self.VadNode.ParentValue & ~0x3 # also for windows 8 and 10 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.VadNode.has_member("u1"): return self.Core.VadNode.u1.Parent & ~0x3 elif self.Core.VadNode.has_member("ParentValue"): return self.Core.VadNode.ParentValue & ~0x3 raise AttributeError("Unable to find the parent member")
[docs] def get_start(self) -> int: """Get the VAD's starting virtual address. This is the first accessible byte in the range.""" if self.has_member("StartingVpn"): if self.has_member("StartingVpnHigh"): return (self.StartingVpn << 12) | (self.StartingVpnHigh << 44) else: return self.StartingVpn << 12 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("StartingVpnHigh"): return (self.Core.StartingVpn << 12) | (self.Core.StartingVpnHigh << 44) else: return self.Core.StartingVpn << 12 raise AttributeError("Unable to find the starting VPN member")
[docs] def get_end(self) -> int: """Get the VAD's ending virtual address. This is the last accessible byte in the range.""" if self.has_member("EndingVpn"): if self.has_member("EndingVpnHigh"): return (((self.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) | (self.EndingVpnHigh << 44)) - 1 else: return ((self.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) - 1 elif self.has_member("Core"): if self.Core.has_member("EndingVpnHigh"): return ( ((self.Core.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) | (self.Core.EndingVpnHigh << 44) ) - 1 else: return ((self.Core.EndingVpn + 1) << 12) - 1 raise AttributeError("Unable to find the ending VPN member")
[docs] def get_size(self) -> int: """Get the size of the VAD region. The OS ensures page granularity.""" return (self.get_end() - self.get_start()) + 1
[docs] def get_commit_charge(self): """Get the VAD's commit charge (number of committed pages)""" if self.has_member("u1") and self.u1.has_member("VadFlags1"): return self.u1.VadFlags1.CommitCharge elif self.has_member("u") and self.u.has_member("VadFlags"): return self.u.VadFlags.CommitCharge elif self.has_member("Core"): return self.Core.u1.VadFlags1.CommitCharge raise AttributeError("Unable to find the commit charge member")
[docs] def get_private_memory(self): """Get the VAD's private memory setting.""" if ( self.has_member("u1") and self.u1.has_member("VadFlags1") and self.u1.VadFlags1.has_member("PrivateMemory") ): return self.u1.VadFlags1.PrivateMemory elif ( self.has_member("u") and self.u.has_member("VadFlags") and self.u.VadFlags.has_member("PrivateMemory") ): return self.u.VadFlags.PrivateMemory elif self.has_member("Core"): if ( self.Core.has_member("u1") and self.Core.u1.has_member("VadFlags1") and self.Core.u1.VadFlags1.has_member("PrivateMemory") ): return self.Core.u1.VadFlags1.PrivateMemory elif ( self.Core.has_member("u") and self.Core.u.has_member("VadFlags") and self.Core.u.VadFlags.has_member("PrivateMemory") ): return self.Core.u.VadFlags.PrivateMemory raise AttributeError("Unable to find the private memory member")
[docs] def get_protection(self, protect_values, winnt_protections): """Get the VAD's protection constants as a string.""" protect = None if self.has_member("u"): protect = self.u.VadFlags.Protection elif self.has_member("Core"): protect = self.Core.u.VadFlags.Protection try: value = protect_values[protect] except IndexError: value = 0 names = [] for name, mask in winnt_protections.items(): if value & mask != 0: names.append(name) return "|".join(names)
[docs] def get_file_name(self): """Only long(er) vads have mapped files.""" return renderers.NotApplicableValue()
[docs]class MMVAD(MMVAD_SHORT): """A version of the process virtual memory range structure that contains additional fields necessary to map files from disk."""
[docs] def get_file_name(self): """Get the name of the file mapped into the memory range (if any)""" file_name = renderers.NotApplicableValue() with contextlib.suppress(exceptions.InvalidAddressException): # this is for xp and 2003 if self.has_member("ControlArea"): filename_obj = self.ControlArea.FilePointer.FileName # this is for vista through windows 7 else: filename_obj = ( self.Subsection.ControlArea.FilePointer.dereference() .cast("_FILE_OBJECT") .FileName ) if filename_obj.Length > 0: file_name = filename_obj.get_string() return file_name
[docs]class EX_FAST_REF(objects.StructType): """This is a standard Windows structure that stores a pointer to an object but also leverages the least significant bits to encode additional details. When dereferencing the pointer, we need to strip off the extra bits. """
[docs] def dereference(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: if constants.BANG not in self.vol.type_name: raise ValueError( f"Invalid symbol table name syntax (no {constants.BANG} found)" ) # the mask value is different on 32 and 64 bits symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] if not symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name): max_fast_ref = 7 else: max_fast_ref = 15 return self._context.object( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=self.Object & ~max_fast_ref, native_layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, )
[docs]class DEVICE_OBJECT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for kernel device objects."""
[docs] def get_device_name(self) -> str: """Get device's name from the object header.""" header = self.get_object_header() return header.NameInfo.Name.String # type: ignore
[docs] def get_attached_devices(self) -> Generator[ObjectInterface, None, None]: """Enumerate the attached device's objects""" device = self.AttachedDevice.dereference() while device: yield device device = device.AttachedDevice.dereference()
[docs]class DRIVER_OBJECT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for kernel driver objects."""
[docs] def get_driver_name(self) -> str: """Get driver's name from the object header.""" header = self.get_object_header() return header.NameInfo.Name.String # type: ignore
[docs] def get_devices(self) -> Generator[ObjectInterface, None, None]: """Enumerate the driver's device objects""" device = self.DeviceObject.dereference() while device: yield device device = device.NextDevice.dereference()
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" return True
[docs]class FILE_OBJECT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for windows file objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" return self.FileName.Length > 0 and self._context.layers[ self.FileName.Buffer.vol.native_layer_name ].is_valid(self.FileName.Buffer)
[docs] def file_name_with_device(self) -> Union[str, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue]: name: Union[str, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue] = ( renderers.UnreadableValue() ) # this pointer needs to be checked against native_layer_name because the object may # be instantiated from a primary (virtual) layer or a memory (physical) layer. if self._context.layers[self.vol.native_layer_name].is_valid(self.DeviceObject): with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): name = f"\\Device\\{self.DeviceObject.get_device_name()}" with contextlib.suppress(TypeError, exceptions.InvalidAddressException): name += self.FileName.String return name
[docs] def access_string(self): ## Make a nicely formatted ACL string return ( ("R" if self.ReadAccess else "-") + ("W" if self.WriteAccess else "-") + ("D" if self.DeleteAccess else "-") + ("r" if self.SharedRead else "-") + ("w" if self.SharedWrite else "-") + ("d" if self.SharedDelete else "-") )
[docs]class KMUTANT(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for windows mutant objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" return True
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Get the object's name from the object header.""" header = self.get_object_header() return header.NameInfo.Name.String # type: ignore
[docs]class ETHREAD(objects.StructType, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for executive thread objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" try: # validation by TID: if self.Cid.UniqueThread % 4 != 0: # NT tids are divisible by 4 return False # validation by PID of parent process: if self.Cid.UniqueProcess % 4 != 0: return False # validation by thread creation time: if ( self.Cid.UniqueProcess != 4 ): # The System process (PID 4) has no create time ctime = self.get_create_time() if not isinstance(ctime, datetime.datetime): return False if not (1998 < ctime.year < 2030): return False except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False # passed all validations return True
[docs] def get_create_time(self): # For Windows XPs if self.has_member("ThreadsProcess"): return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.CreateTime.QuadPart >> 3) return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.CreateTime.QuadPart)
[docs] def get_exit_time(self): return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.ExitTime.QuadPart)
[docs] def owning_process(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Return the EPROCESS that owns this thread.""" # For Windows XPs if self.has_member("ThreadsProcess"): return self.ThreadsProcess.dereference().cast("_EPROCESS") # For Windows Vista and later versions elif self.has_member("Tcb") and self.Tcb.has_member("Process"): return self.Tcb.Process.dereference().cast("_EPROCESS") else: raise AttributeError("Unable to find the owning process of ethread")
[docs] def get_cross_thread_flags(self) -> str: dictCrossThreadFlags = { "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_TERMINATED": 0, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_DEADTHREAD": 1, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_HIDEFROMDBG": 2, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_IMPERSONATING": 3, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SYSTEM": 4, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_HARD_ERRORS_DISABLED": 5, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_BREAK_ON_TERMINATION": 6, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SKIP_CREATION_MSG": 7, "PS_CROSS_THREAD_FLAGS_SKIP_TERMINATION_MSG": 8, } flags = self.CrossThreadFlags stringCrossThreadFlags = "" for flag in dictCrossThreadFlags: if flags & 2 ** dictCrossThreadFlags[flag]: stringCrossThreadFlags += f"{flag} " return ( stringCrossThreadFlags[:-1] if stringCrossThreadFlags else stringCrossThreadFlags )
[docs]class UNICODE_STRING(objects.StructType): """A class for Windows unicode string structures."""
[docs] def get_string(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: # We explicitly do *not* catch errors here, we allow an exception to be thrown # (otherwise there's no way to determine anything went wrong) # It's up to the user of this method to catch exceptions # We manually construct an object rather than casting a dereferenced pointer in case # the buffer length is 0 and the pointer is a NULL pointer return self._context.object( self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] + constants.BANG + "string", layer_name=self.Buffer.vol.native_layer_name, offset=self.Buffer, max_length=self.Length, errors="replace", encoding="utf16", )
String = property(get_string)
[docs]class EPROCESS(generic.GenericIntelProcess, pool.ExecutiveObject): """A class for executive kernel processes objects."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" try: name = objects.utility.array_to_string(self.ImageFileName) if not name or len(name) == 0 or name[0] == "\x00": return False # The System/PID 4 process has no create time if not (str(name) == "System" and self.UniqueProcessId == 4): if self.CreateTime.QuadPart == 0: return False ctime = self.get_create_time() if not isinstance(ctime, datetime.datetime): return False if not (1998 < ctime.year < 2030): return False # NT pids are divisible by 4 if self.UniqueProcessId % 4 != 0: return False # check for all 0s besides the PCID entries if isinstance(self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase, objects.Array): dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase.cast("pointer") else: dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase if dtb == 0: return False # check for all 0s besides the PCID entries if dtb & ~0xFFF == 0: return False ## TODO: we can also add the thread Flink and Blink tests if necessary except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False return True
[docs] def add_process_layer(self, config_prefix: str = None, preferred_name: str = None): """Constructs a new layer based on the process's DirectoryTableBase.""" parent_layer = self._context.layers[self.vol.layer_name] if not isinstance(parent_layer, intel.Intel): # We can't get bits_per_register unless we're an intel space (since that's not defined at the higher layer) raise TypeError( "Parent layer is not a translation layer, unable to construct process layer" ) # Presumably for 64-bit systems, the DTB is defined as an array, rather than an unsigned long long dtb: int = 0 if isinstance(self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase, objects.Array): dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase.cast("unsigned long long") else: dtb = self.Pcb.DirectoryTableBase dtb = dtb & ((1 << parent_layer.bits_per_register) - 1) if preferred_name is None: preferred_name = self.vol.layer_name + f"_Process{self.UniqueProcessId}" # Add the constructed layer and return the name return self._add_process_layer( self._context, dtb, config_prefix, preferred_name )
[docs] def get_peb(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Constructs a PEB object""" if constants.BANG not in self.vol.type_name: raise ValueError( f"Invalid symbol table name syntax (no {constants.BANG} found)" ) # add_process_layer can raise InvalidAddressException. # if that happens, we let the exception propagate upwards proc_layer_name = self.add_process_layer() proc_layer = self._context.layers[proc_layer_name] if not proc_layer.is_valid(self.Peb): raise exceptions.InvalidAddressException( proc_layer_name, self.Peb, f"Invalid Peb address at {self.Peb:0x}" ) sym_table = self.get_symbol_table_name() peb = self._context.object( f"{sym_table}{constants.BANG}_PEB", layer_name=proc_layer_name, offset=self.Peb, ) return peb
[docs] def load_order_modules(self) -> Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Generator for DLLs in the order that they were loaded.""" try: peb = self.get_peb() for entry in peb.Ldr.InLoadOrderModuleList.to_list( f"{self.get_symbol_table_name()}{constants.BANG}_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY", "InLoadOrderLinks", ): yield entry except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None
[docs] def init_order_modules(self) -> Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Generator for DLLs in the order that they were initialized""" try: peb = self.get_peb() for entry in peb.Ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList.to_list( f"{self.get_symbol_table_name()}{constants.BANG}_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY", "InInitializationOrderLinks", ): yield entry except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None
[docs] def mem_order_modules(self) -> Iterable[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Generator for DLLs in the order that they appear in memory""" try: peb = self.get_peb() for entry in peb.Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList.to_list( f"{self.get_symbol_table_name()}{constants.BANG}_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY", "InMemoryOrderLinks", ): yield entry except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None
[docs] def get_handle_count(self): try: if self.has_member("ObjectTable"): if self.ObjectTable.has_member("HandleCount"): return self.ObjectTable.HandleCount except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, f"Cannot access _EPROCESS.ObjectTable.HandleCount at {self.vol.offset:#x}", ) return renderers.UnreadableValue()
[docs] def get_session_id(self): try: if self.has_member("Session"): if self.Session == 0: return renderers.NotApplicableValue() symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() kvo = self._context.layers[self.vol.native_layer_name].config[ "kernel_virtual_offset" ] ntkrnlmp = self._context.module( symbol_table_name, layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, offset=kvo, native_layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, ) session = ntkrnlmp.object( object_type="_MM_SESSION_SPACE", offset=self.Session, absolute=True ) if session.has_member("SessionId"): return session.SessionId except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVV, f"Cannot access _EPROCESS.Session.SessionId at {self.vol.offset:#x}", ) return renderers.UnreadableValue()
[docs] def get_create_time(self): return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.CreateTime.QuadPart)
[docs] def get_exit_time(self): return conversion.wintime_to_datetime(self.ExitTime.QuadPart)
[docs] def get_wow_64_process(self): if self.has_member("Wow64Process"): return self.Wow64Process elif self.has_member("WoW64Process"): return self.WoW64Process raise AttributeError("Unable to find Wow64Process")
[docs] def get_is_wow64(self): try: value = self.get_wow_64_process() except AttributeError: return False if value: return True return False
[docs] def get_vad_root(self): # windows 8 and 2012 (_MM_AVL_TABLE) if self.VadRoot.has_member("BalancedRoot"): return self.VadRoot.BalancedRoot # windows 8.1 and windows 10 (_RTL_AVL_TREE) elif self.VadRoot.has_member("Root"): return self.VadRoot.Root.dereference() # .cast("_MMVAD") else: # windows xp and 2003 return self.VadRoot.dereference().cast("_MMVAD")
[docs] def environment_variables(self): """Generator for environment variables. The PEB points to our env block - a series of null-terminated unicode strings. Each string cannot be more than 0x7FFF chars. End of the list is a quad-null. """ context = self._context process_space = self.add_process_layer() try: block = self.get_peb().ProcessParameters.Environment try: block_size = self.get_peb().ProcessParameters.EnvironmentSize except AttributeError: # Windows XP block_size = self.get_peb().ProcessParameters.Length envars = ( context.layers[process_space] .read(block, block_size) .decode("utf-16-le", errors="replace") .split("\x00")[:-1] ) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return # Generation finished for envar in envars: split_index = envar.find("=") env = envar[:split_index] var = envar[split_index + 1 :] # Exclude parse problem with some types of env if env and var: yield env, var return # Generation finished
[docs]class LIST_ENTRY(objects.StructType, """A class for double-linked lists on Windows."""
[docs] def to_list( self, symbol_type: str, member: str, forward: bool = True, sentinel: bool = True, layer: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Iterator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Returns an iterator of the entries in the list.""" layer = layer or self.vol.layer_name relative_offset = self._context.symbol_space.get_type( symbol_type ).relative_child_offset(member) direction = "Blink" if forward: direction = "Flink" trans_layer = self._context.layers[layer] try: is_valid = trans_layer.is_valid(self.vol.offset) if not is_valid: return None link = getattr(self, direction).dereference() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None if not sentinel: yield self._context.object( symbol_type, layer, offset=self.vol.offset - relative_offset, native_layer_name=layer or self.vol.native_layer_name, ) seen = {self.vol.offset} while link.vol.offset not in seen: obj_offset = link.vol.offset - relative_offset if not trans_layer.is_valid(obj_offset): return None obj = self._context.object( symbol_type, layer, offset=obj_offset, native_layer_name=layer or self.vol.native_layer_name, ) yield obj seen.add(link.vol.offset) try: link = getattr(link, direction).dereference() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: return self.to_list(self.vol.parent.vol.type_name, self.vol.member_name)
[docs]class TOKEN(objects.StructType): """A class for process etoken object."""
[docs] def get_sids(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Yield a sid for the current token object.""" if self.UserAndGroupCount < 0xFFFF: layer_name = self.vol.layer_name kvo = self._context.layers[layer_name].config["kernel_virtual_offset"] symbol_table = self.get_symbol_table_name() ntkrnlmp = self._context.module( symbol_table, layer_name=layer_name, offset=kvo ) UserAndGroups = ntkrnlmp.object( object_type="array", offset=self.UserAndGroups.dereference().vol.get("offset") - kvo, subtype=ntkrnlmp.get_type("_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES"), count=self.UserAndGroupCount, ) for sid_and_attr in UserAndGroups: try: sid = sid_and_attr.Sid.dereference().cast("_SID") # catch invalid pointers (UserAndGroupCount is too high) if sid is None: return None # this mimics the windows API IsValidSid if sid.Revision & 0xF != 1 or sid.SubAuthorityCount > 15: return None id_auth = "" for i in sid.IdentifierAuthority.Value: id_auth = i SubAuthority = ntkrnlmp.object( object_type="array", offset=sid.SubAuthority.vol.offset - kvo, subtype=ntkrnlmp.get_type("unsigned long"), count=int(sid.SubAuthorityCount), ) yield "S-" + "-".join( str(i) for i in (sid.Revision, id_auth) + tuple(SubAuthority) ) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: vollog.log( constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "InvalidAddressException while parsing for token sid", )
[docs] def privileges(self): """Return a list of privileges for the current token object.""" try: for priv_index in range(64): yield ( priv_index, bool(self.Privileges.Present & (2**priv_index)), bool(self.Privileges.Enabled & (2**priv_index)), bool(self.Privileges.EnabledByDefault & (2**priv_index)), ) except AttributeError: # Windows XP if self.PrivilegeCount < 1024: # This is a pointer to an array of _LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES for luid in self.Privileges.dereference().cast( "array", count=self.PrivilegeCount, subtype=self._context.symbol_space[ self.get_symbol_table_name() ].get_type("_LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES"), ): # The Attributes member is a flag enabled = luid.Attributes & 2 != 0 default = luid.Attributes & 1 != 0 yield luid.Luid.LowPart, True, enabled, default else: vollog.log(constants.LOGLEVEL_VVVV, "Broken Token Privileges.")
[docs]class KTHREAD(objects.StructType): """A class for thread control block objects."""
[docs] def get_state(self) -> str: dictState = { 0: "Initialized", 1: "Ready", 2: "Running", 3: "Standby", 4: "Terminated", 5: "Waiting", 6: "Transition", 7: "DeferredReady", 8: "GateWait", } return dictState.get(self.State, renderers.NotApplicableValue())
[docs] def get_wait_reason(self) -> str: dictWaitReason = { 0: "Executive", 1: "FreePage", 2: "PageIn", 3: "PoolAllocation", 4: "DelayExecution", 5: "Suspended", 6: "UserRequest", 7: "WrExecutive", 8: "WrFreePage", 9: "WrPageIn", 10: "WrPoolAllocation", 11: "WrDelayExecution", 12: "WrSuspended", 13: "WrUserRequest", 14: "WrEventPair", 15: "WrQueue", 16: "WrLpcReceive", 17: "WrLpcReply", 18: "WrVirtualMemory", 19: "WrPageOut", 20: "WrRendezvous", 21: "Spare2", 22: "Spare3", 23: "Spare4", 24: "Spare5", 25: "Spare6", 26: "WrKernel", 27: "WrResource", 28: "WrPushLock", 29: "WrMutex", 30: "WrQuantumEnd", 31: "WrDispatchInt", 32: "WrPreempted", 33: "WrYieldExecution", 34: "WrFastMutex", 35: "WrGuardedMutex", 36: "WrRundown", 37: "MaximumWaitReason", } return dictWaitReason.get(self.WaitReason, renderers.NotApplicableValue())
[docs]class CONTROL_AREA(objects.StructType): """A class for _CONTROL_AREA structures""" PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000 PAGE_MASK = PAGE_SIZE - 1
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" try: # The Segment.ControlArea should point back to this object if self.Segment.ControlArea != self.vol.offset: return False # The SizeOfSegment should match the total PTEs multiplied by a default page size if self.Segment.SizeOfSegment != ( self.Segment.TotalNumberOfPtes * self.PAGE_SIZE ): return False # The first SubsectionBase should not be page aligned # subsection = self.get_subsection() # if subsection.SubsectionBase & self.PAGE_MASK == 0: # return False except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False # True if everything else passes return True
[docs] def get_subsection(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Get the Subsection object, which is found immediately after the _CONTROL_AREA.""" return self._context.object( self.get_symbol_table_name() + constants.BANG + "_SUBSECTION", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=self.vol.offset + self.vol.size, native_layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, )
[docs] def get_pte(self, offset: int) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Get a PTE object at the requested offset""" return self._context.object( self.get_symbol_table_name() + constants.BANG + "_MMPTE", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=offset, native_layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, )
[docs] def get_available_pages(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """Get the available pages that correspond to a cached file. The tuples generated are (physical_offset, file_offset, page_size). """ symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() mmpte_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_MMPTE" ) mmpte_size = mmpte_type.size subsection = self.get_subsection() is_64bit = symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name) is_pae = self._context.layers[self.vol.layer_name].metadata.get("pae", False) # This is a null-terminated single-linked list. while subsection != 0: try: if subsection.ControlArea != self.vol.offset: break except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: break # The offset into the file is stored implicitly based on the PTE location within the Subsection. starting_sector = subsection.StartingSector subsection_offset = starting_sector * 0x200 # Similar to the check in is_valid(), make sure the SubsectionBase is not page aligned. # if subsection.SubsectionBase & self.PAGE_MASK == 0: # break ptecount = 0 while ptecount < subsection.PtesInSubsection: pte_offset = subsection.SubsectionBase + (mmpte_size * ptecount) file_offset = subsection_offset + ptecount * 0x1000 try: mmpte = self.get_pte(pte_offset) except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: ptecount += 1 continue # First we check if the entry is valid. If so, then we get the physical offset. # The valid entries are actually handled by the hardware. if mmpte.u.Hard.Valid == 1: physoffset = mmpte.u.Hard.PageFrameNumber << 12 yield physoffset, file_offset, self.PAGE_SIZE elif mmpte.u.Soft.Prototype == 1: if not is_64bit and not is_pae: subsection_offset = ( mmpte.u.Subsect.SubsectionAddressHigh << 7 ) | (mmpte.u.Subsect.SubsectionAddressLow << 3) # If the entry is not a valid physical address then see if it is in transition. elif mmpte.u.Trans.Transition == 1: # TODO: Fix appropriately in a future release. # Currently just a temporary workaround to deal with custom bit flag # in the PFN field for pages in transition state. # See physoffset = (mmpte.u.Trans.PageFrameNumber & ((1 << 33) - 1)) << 12 yield physoffset, file_offset, self.PAGE_SIZE # Go to the next PTE entry ptecount += 1 # Go to the next Subsection in the single-linked list subsection = subsection.NextSubsection
[docs]class VACB(objects.StructType): """A class for _VACB structures""" FILEOFFSET_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000
[docs] def get_file_offset(self) -> int: # The FileOffset member of VACB is used to denote the offset within the file where the # view begins. Since all views are 256 KB in size, the bottom 16 bits are used to # store the number of references to the view. return self.Overlay.FileOffset.QuadPart & self.FILEOFFSET_MASK
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" if self.FileSize.QuadPart <= 0 or self.ValidDataLength.QuadPart <= 0: return False if self.SectionSize.QuadPart < 0 or ( (self.FileSize.QuadPart < self.ValidDataLength.QuadPart) and (self.ValidDataLength.QuadPart != 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) ): return False return True
[docs] def process_index_array( self, array_pointer: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, level: int, limit: int, vacb_list: Optional[List] = None, ) -> List: """Recursively process the sparse multilevel VACB index array. :param array_pointer: The address of a possible index array :param level: The current level :param limit: The level where we abandon all hope. Ideally this is 7 :param vacb_list: An array of collected VACBs :return: Collected VACBs """ if vacb_list is None: vacb_list = [] if level > limit: return [] symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() pointer_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer" ) # Create an array of 128 entries for the VACB index array vacb_array = self._context.object( object_type=symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "array", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=array_pointer, count=self.VACB_ARRAY, subtype=pointer_type, ) # Iterate through the entries for counter in range(0, self.VACB_ARRAY): # Check if the VACB entry is in use if not vacb_array[counter]: continue vacb_obj = ( vacb_array[counter] .dereference() .cast(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB") ) if vacb_obj.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb_obj, vacb_list) else: # Process the next level of the multi-level array vacb_list = self.process_index_array( vacb_array[counter], level + 1, limit, vacb_list ) return vacb_list
[docs] def save_vacb(self, vacb_obj: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, vacb_list: List): data = ( int(vacb_obj.BaseAddress), int(vacb_obj.get_file_offset()), self.VACB_BLOCK, ) vacb_list.append(data)
[docs] def get_available_pages(self) -> List: """Get the available pages that correspond to a cached file. The lists generated are (virtual_offset, file_offset, page_size). """ vacb_list = [] section_size = self.SectionSize.QuadPart # Determine the number of VACBs within the cache (nonpaged). each VACB # represents a 256-KB view in the system cache. full_blocks = section_size // self.VACB_BLOCK left_over = section_size % self.VACB_BLOCK # As an optimization, the shared cache map object contains a VACB index array of four entries. # The VACB index arrays are arrays of pointers to VACBs, that track which views of a given file # are mapped in the cache. For example, the first entry in the VACB index array refers to the first # 256 KB of the file. The InitialVacbs can describe a file up to 1 MB (4xVACB). iterval = 0 while (iterval < full_blocks) and (full_blocks <= 4): vacb_obj = self.InitialVacbs[iterval] with contextlib.suppress(exceptions.InvalidAddressException): # Make sure that the SharedCacheMap member of the VACB points back to the parent object. if vacb_obj.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb_obj, vacb_list) iterval += 1 # We also have to account for the spill over data that is not found in the full blocks. # The first case to consider is when the spill over is still in InitialVacbs. if (left_over > 0) and (full_blocks < 4): vacb_obj = self.InitialVacbs[iterval] if vacb_obj.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb_obj, vacb_list) # If the file is larger than 1 MB, a separate VACB index array needs to be allocated. # This is based on how many 256 KB blocks would be required for the size of the file. # This newly allocated VACB index array is found through the Vacbs member of SHARED_CACHE_MAP. vacb_obj = self.Vacbs # Note: avoid calling is_valid() here, since self.Vacbs is a pointer to a pointer if not vacb_obj: return vacb_list # There are a number of instances where the initial value in InitialVacb will also be the fist # entry in Vacbs. Thus we ignore, since it was already processed. It is possible to just # process again as the file offset is specified for each VACB. if self.InitialVacbs[0].vol.offset == vacb_obj: return vacb_list # If the file is less than 32 MB than it can be found in a single level VACB index array. symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() pointer_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer" ) size_of_pointer = pointer_type.size if not section_size > self.VACB_SIZE_OF_FIRST_LEVEL: array_head = vacb_obj for counter in range(0, full_blocks): vacb_entry = self._context.object( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=array_head + (counter * size_of_pointer), ) # If we find a zero entry, then we proceed to the next one. If the entry is zero, # then the view is not mapped and we skip. We do not pad because we use the # FileOffset to seek to the correct offset in the file. if not vacb_entry: continue vacb = vacb_entry.dereference().cast( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB" ) if vacb.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb, vacb_list) if left_over > 0: vacb_entry = self._context.object( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "pointer", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=array_head + ((counter + 1) * size_of_pointer), ) if not vacb_entry: return vacb_list vacb = vacb_entry.dereference().cast( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB" ) if vacb.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb, vacb_list) # The file is less than 32 MB, so we can stop processing. return vacb_list # If we get to this point, then we know that the SectionSize is greater than # VACB_SIZE_OF_FIRST_LEVEL (32 MB). Then we have a "sparse" multilevel index # array where each VACB index array is made up of 128 entries. We no # longer assume the data is sequential. (Log2 (32 MB) - 18)/7 level_depth = math.ceil(math.log(section_size, 2)) level_depth = (level_depth - self.VACB_OFFSET_SHIFT) / self.VACB_LEVEL_SHIFT level_depth = math.ceil(level_depth) limit_depth = level_depth if section_size > self.VACB_SIZE_OF_FIRST_LEVEL: # Create an array of 128 entries for the VACB index array. vacb_array = self._context.object( object_type=symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "array", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=vacb_obj, count=self.VACB_ARRAY, subtype=pointer_type, ) # Walk the array and if any entry points to the shared cache map object then we extract it. # Otherwise, if it is non-zero, then traverse to the next level. for counter in range(0, self.VACB_ARRAY): if not vacb_array[counter]: continue vacb = ( vacb_array[counter] .dereference() .cast(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_VACB") ) if vacb.SharedCacheMap == self.vol.offset: self.save_vacb(vacb, vacb_list) else: # Process the next level of the multi-level array. We set the limit_depth to be # the depth of the tree as determined from the size and we initialize the # current level to 2. vacb_list = self.process_index_array( vacb_array[counter], 2, limit_depth, vacb_list ) return vacb_list