Source code for

import functools
import logging
import struct
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Union

from volatility3.framework import objects, interfaces, constants, symbols, exceptions, renderers
from volatility3.framework.renderers import conversion

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class POOL_HEADER(objects.StructType): """A kernel pool allocation header. Exists at the base of the allocation and provides a tag that we can scan for. """
[docs] def get_object(self, type_name: str, use_top_down: bool, executive: bool = False, kernel_symbol_table: Optional[str] = None, native_layer_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Carve an object or data structure from a kernel pool allocation Args: type_name: the data structure type name native_layer_name: the name of the layer where the data originally lived object_type: the object type (executive kernel objects only) kernel_symbol_table: in case objects of a different symbol table are scanned for Returns: An object as found from a POOL_HEADER """ symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] if constants.BANG in type_name: symbol_table_name, type_name = type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0:2] # when checking for symbols from a table other than nt_symbols grab _OBJECT_HEADER from the kernel # because symbol_table_name will be different from kernel_symbol_table. if kernel_symbol_table: object_header_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(kernel_symbol_table + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_HEADER") else: # otherwise symbol_table_name *is* the kernel symbol table, so just use that. object_header_type = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_HEADER") pool_header_size = self.vol.size # if there is no object type, then just instantiate a structure if not executive: mem_object = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + type_name, layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = self.vol.offset + pool_header_size, native_layer_name = native_layer_name) return mem_object # otherwise we have an executive object in the pool else: if symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self._context, symbol_table_name): alignment = 16 else: alignment = 8 # use the top down approach for windows 8 and later if use_top_down: body_offset = object_header_type.relative_child_offset('Body') infomask_offset = object_header_type.relative_child_offset('InfoMask') pointercount_offset = object_header_type.relative_child_offset('PointerCount') pointercount_size = object_header_type.members['PointerCount'][1].size optional_headers, lengths_of_optional_headers = self._calculate_optional_header_lengths( self._context, symbol_table_name) padding_available = None if 'PADDING_INFO' not in optional_headers else optional_headers.index( 'PADDING_INFO') max_optional_headers_length = sum(lengths_of_optional_headers) # define the starting and ending bounds for the scan start_offset = self.vol.offset + pool_header_size addr_limit = min(max_optional_headers_length, self.BlockSize * alignment) # A single read is better than lots of little one-byte reads. # We're ok padding this, because the byte we'd check would be 0 which would only be valid if there # were no optional headers in the first place (ie, if we read too much for headers that don't exist, # but the bit we could read were valid) infomask_data = self._context.layers[self.vol.layer_name].read(start_offset, addr_limit + infomask_offset, pad = True) # Addr stores the offset to the potential start of the OBJECT_HEADER from just after the POOL_HEADER # It will always be aligned to a particular alignment for addr in range(0, addr_limit, alignment): infomask_value = infomask_data[addr + infomask_offset] pointercount_value = int.from_bytes( infomask_data[addr + pointercount_offset:addr + pointercount_offset + pointercount_size], byteorder = 'little', signed = True) if not 0x1000000 > pointercount_value >= 0: continue padding_present = False optional_headers_length = 0 for i in range(len(lengths_of_optional_headers)): if infomask_value & (1 << i): optional_headers_length += lengths_of_optional_headers[i] if i == padding_available: padding_present = True # PADDING_INFO is a special case (4 bytes that contain the total padding length) padding_length = 0 if padding_present: # Read the four bytes from just before the next optional_headers_length minus the padding_info size # # --------------- # POOL_HEADER # --------------- # # start of PADDING_INFO # --------------- # End of other optional headers # --------------- # OBJECT_HEADER # --------------- if addr - optional_headers_length < 0: continue padding_length = struct.unpack( "<I", infomask_data[addr - optional_headers_length:addr - optional_headers_length + 4])[0] padding_length -= lengths_of_optional_headers[padding_available or 0] # Certain versions of windows have PADDING_INFO lengths that are too long # So we now check that the padding length is at a minimum the right length # and that it doesn't go beyond the entirety of the data if addr - optional_headers_length >= padding_length > addr: continue try: mem_object = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + type_name, layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = addr + body_offset + start_offset, native_layer_name = native_layer_name) if mem_object.is_valid(): return mem_object except (TypeError, exceptions.InvalidAddressException): pass # use the bottom up approach for windows 7 and earlier else: type_size = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + type_name).size rounded_size = conversion.round(type_size, alignment, up = True) mem_object = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + type_name, layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = self.vol.offset + self.BlockSize * alignment - rounded_size, native_layer_name = native_layer_name) try: if mem_object.is_valid(): return mem_object except (TypeError, exceptions.InvalidAddressException): return None return None
@classmethod @functools.lru_cache() def _calculate_optional_header_lengths(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, symbol_table_name: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int]]: headers = [] sizes = [] for header in [ 'CREATOR_INFO', 'NAME_INFO', 'HANDLE_INFO', 'QUOTA_INFO', 'PROCESS_INFO', 'AUDIT_INFO', 'EXTENDED_INFO', 'HANDLE_REVOCATION_INFO', 'PADDING_INFO' ]: try: type_name = "{}{}_OBJECT_HEADER_{}".format(symbol_table_name, constants.BANG, header) header_type = context.symbol_space.get_type(type_name) headers.append(header) sizes.append(header_type.size) except (AttributeError, exceptions.SymbolError): # Some of these may not exist, for example: # if build < 9200: PADDING_INFO else: AUDIT_INFO # if build == 10586: HANDLE_REVOCATION_INFO else EXTENDED_INFO # based on what's present and what's not, this list should be the right order and the right length pass return headers, sizes
[docs] def is_free_pool(self): return self.PoolType == 0
[docs] def is_paged_pool(self): return self.PoolType % 2 == 0 and self.PoolType > 0
[docs] def is_nonpaged_pool(self): return self.PoolType % 2 == 1
[docs]class POOL_HEADER_VISTA(POOL_HEADER): """A kernel pool allocation header, updated for Vista and later. Exists at the base of the allocation and provides a tag that we can scan for. """
[docs] def is_paged_pool(self): return self.PoolType % 2 == 1
[docs] def is_nonpaged_pool(self): return self.PoolType % 2 == 0 and self.PoolType > 0
[docs]class POOL_TRACKER_BIG_PAGES(objects.StructType): """A kernel big page pool tracker.""" pool_type_lookup = {} # type: Dict[str, str] def _generate_pool_type_lookup(self): # Enumeration._generate_inverse_choices() raises ValueError because multiple enum names map to the same # value in the kernel _POOL_TYPE so create a custom mapping here and take the first match symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] pool_type_enum = self._context.symbol_space.get_enumeration(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_POOL_TYPE") for k, v in pool_type_enum.choices.items(): if v not in self.pool_type_lookup: self.pool_type_lookup[v] = k
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: return self.Key > 0
# return self.Va > 0x1
[docs] def get_key(self) -> str: """Returns the Key value as a 4 character string""" tag_bytes = objects.convert_value_to_data(self.Key, int, objects.DataFormatInfo(4, "little", False)) return "".join([chr(x) if 32 < x < 127 else '' for x in tag_bytes])
[docs] def get_pool_type(self) -> Union[str, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue]: """Returns the enum name for the PoolType value on applicable systems""" # Not applicable until Vista if hasattr(self, 'PoolType'): if not self.pool_type_lookup: self._generate_pool_type_lookup() return self.pool_type_lookup.get(self.PoolType, "Unknown choice {}".format(self.PoolType)) else: return renderers.NotApplicableValue()
[docs] def get_number_of_bytes(self) -> Union[int, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue]: """Returns the NumberOfBytes value on applicable systems""" # Not applicable until Vista try: return self.NumberOfBytes except AttributeError: return renderers.NotApplicableValue()
[docs]class ExecutiveObject(interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface): """This is used as a "mixin" that provides all kernel executive objects with a means of finding their own object header."""
[docs] def get_object_header(self) -> 'OBJECT_HEADER': if constants.BANG not in self.vol.type_name: raise ValueError("Invalid symbol table name syntax (no {} found)".format(constants.BANG)) symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] body_offset = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_HEADER").relative_child_offset("Body") return self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_HEADER", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = self.vol.offset - body_offset, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name)
[docs]class OBJECT_HEADER(objects.StructType): """A class for the headers for executive kernel objects, which contains quota information, ownership details, naming data, and ACLs."""
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Determine if the object is valid.""" # if self.InfoMask > 0x48: # return False try: if self.PointerCount > 0x1000000 or self.PointerCount < 0: return False except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return False return True
[docs] def get_object_type(self, type_map: Dict[int, str], cookie: int = None) -> Optional[str]: """Across all Windows versions, the _OBJECT_HEADER embeds details on the type of object (i.e. process, file) but the way its embedded differs between versions. This API abstracts away those details. """ if self.vol.get('object_header_object_type', None) is not None: return self.vol.object_header_object_type try: # vista and earlier have a Type member self._vol['object_header_object_type'] = self.Type.Name.String except AttributeError: # windows 7 and later have a TypeIndex, but windows 10 # further encodes the index value with nt1!ObHeaderCookie try: type_index = ((self.vol.offset >> 8) ^ cookie ^ self.TypeIndex) & 0xFF except (AttributeError, TypeError): type_index = self.TypeIndex self._vol['object_header_object_type'] = type_map.get(type_index) return self.vol.object_header_object_type
@property def NameInfo(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: if constants.BANG not in self.vol.type_name: raise ValueError("Invalid symbol table name syntax (no {} found)".format(constants.BANG)) symbol_table_name = self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] try: header_offset = self.NameInfoOffset except AttributeError: # (Windows 7 and later) name_info_bit = 0x2 layer = self._context.layers[self.vol.native_layer_name] kvo = layer.config.get("kernel_virtual_offset", None) if kvo is None: raise AttributeError("Could not find kernel_virtual_offset for layer: {}".format(self.vol.layer_name)) ntkrnlmp = self._context.module(symbol_table_name, layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = kvo) address = ntkrnlmp.get_symbol("ObpInfoMaskToOffset").address calculated_index = self.InfoMask & (name_info_bit | (name_info_bit - 1)) header_offset = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "unsigned char", layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name, offset = kvo + address + calculated_index) if header_offset == 0: raise ValueError("Could not find _OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO for object at {} of layer {}".format( self.vol.offset, self.vol.layer_name)) header = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_OBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO", layer_name = self.vol.layer_name, offset = self.vol.offset - header_offset, native_layer_name = self.vol.native_layer_name) return header