Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2022 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

from typing import Optional

from volatility3.framework import objects, constants, exceptions

[docs]class MFTEntry(objects.StructType): """This represents the base MFT Record"""
[docs] def get_signature(self) -> str: signature = self.Signature.cast("string", max_length=4, encoding="latin-1") return signature
[docs]class MFTFileName(objects.StructType): """This represents an MFT $FILE_NAME Attribute"""
[docs] def get_full_name(self) -> str: output = self.Name.cast( "string", encoding="utf16", max_length=self.NameLength * 2, errors="replace" ) return output
[docs]class MFTAttribute(objects.StructType): """This represents an MFT ATTRIBUTE"""
[docs] def get_resident_filename(self) -> Optional[str]: # 4MB chosen as cutoff instead of 4KB to allow for recovery from format /L created file systems # Length as 512 as its 256*2, which is the maximum size for an entire file path, so this is even generous if ( self.Attr_Header.ContentOffset > 0x400000 or self.Attr_Header.NameLength > 512 ): return None # To get the resident name, we jump to relative name offset and read name length * 2 bytes of data try: name = self._context.object( self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] + constants.BANG + "string", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=self.vol.offset + self.Attr_Header.NameOffset, max_length=self.Attr_Header.NameLength * 2, errors="replace", encoding="utf16", ) return name except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None
[docs] def get_resident_filecontent(self) -> Optional[bytes]: # smear observed in mass testing of samples # 4MB chosen as cutoff instead of 4KB to allow for recovery from format /L created file systems if ( self.Attr_Header.ContentOffset > 0x400000 or self.Attr_Header.ContentLength > 0x400000 ): return None # To get the resident content, we jump to relative content offset and read name length * 2 bytes of data try: bytesobj = self._context.object( self.vol.type_name.split(constants.BANG)[0] + constants.BANG + "bytes", layer_name=self.vol.layer_name, offset=self.vol.offset + self.Attr_Header.ContentOffset, native_layer_name=self.vol.native_layer_name, length=self.Attr_Header.ContentLength, ) return bytesobj except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return None