Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import logging
from typing import Generator, Tuple

from volatility3.framework import constants, interfaces, objects
from volatility3.framework.renderers import conversion

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class IMAGE_DOS_HEADER(objects.StructType):
[docs] def get_nt_header(self) -> interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface: """Carve out the NT header from this DOS header. This reflects on the PE file's Machine type to create a 32- or 64-bit NT header structure. Returns: <_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS> or <_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64> instance """ if self.e_magic != 0x5A4D: raise ValueError( f"e_magic {self.e_magic:04X} is not a valid DOS signature." ) layer_name = self.vol.layer_name symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() nt_header = self._context.object( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS", layer_name=layer_name, offset=self.vol.offset + self.e_lfanew, ) if nt_header.Signature != 0x4550: raise ValueError( f"NT header signature {nt_header.Signature:04X} is not a valid" ) # this checks if we need a PE32+ header if nt_header.FileHeader.Machine == 34404: nt_header = nt_header.cast("_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64") return nt_header
[docs] def replace_header_field( self, sect: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, header: bytes, item: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, value: int, ) -> bytes: """Replaces a member in an _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER structure. Args: sect: the section instance header: raw data for the section item: the member of the section to replace value: new value for the member Returns: The raw data with the replaced header field """ member_size = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(item.vol.type_name).size start = item.vol.offset - sect.vol.offset newval = objects.convert_value_to_data(value, int, item.vol.data_format) result = header[:start] + newval + header[start + member_size :] return result
[docs] def fix_image_base( self, raw_data: bytes, nt_header: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface ) -> bytes: """Fix the _OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase value (which is either an unsigned long for 32-bit PE's or unsigned long long for 64-bit PE's) to match the address where the PE file was carved out of memory. Args: raw_data: a bytes object of the PE's data nt_header: <_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS> or <_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64> instance Returns: <bytes> patched with the correct address """ image_base_offset = ( nt_header.OptionalHeader.ImageBase.vol.offset - self.vol.offset ) image_base_type = nt_header.OptionalHeader.ImageBase.vol.type_name member_size = self._context.symbol_space.get_type(image_base_type).size try: newval = objects.convert_value_to_data( self.vol.offset, int, nt_header.OptionalHeader.ImageBase.vol.data_format ) new_pe = ( raw_data[:image_base_offset] + newval + raw_data[image_base_offset + member_size :] ) except OverflowError: vollog.warning( f"Volatility was unable to fix the image base for the PE file at base address {self.vol.offset:#x}. " "This will cause issues with many static analysis tools if you do not inform the " "tool of the in-memory load address." ) new_pe = raw_data return new_pe
[docs] def reconstruct(self) -> Generator[Tuple[int, bytes], None, None]: """This method generates the content necessary to reconstruct a PE file from memory. It preserves slack space (similar to the old --memory) and automatically fixes the ImageBase in the output PE file. Returns: <tuple> of (<int> offset, <bytes> data) """ nt_header = self.get_nt_header() layer_name = self.vol.layer_name symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() section_alignment = nt_header.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment sect_header_size = self._context.symbol_space.get_type( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER" ).size size_of_image = nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage # no legitimate PE is going to be larger than this if size_of_image > raise ValueError(f"The claimed SizeOfImage is too large: {size_of_image}") read_layer = self._context.layers[layer_name] raw_data = self.vol.offset, nt_header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, pad=True ) # fix the PE image base before yielding the initial view of the data fixed_data = self.fix_image_base(raw_data, nt_header) yield 0, fixed_data start_addr = nt_header.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + ( nt_header.OptionalHeader.vol.offset - self.vol.offset ) counter = 0 for sect in nt_header.get_sections(): if sect.VirtualAddress > size_of_image: raise ValueError( f"Section VirtualAddress is too large: {sect.VirtualAddress}" ) if sect.Misc.VirtualSize > size_of_image: raise ValueError( f"Section VirtualSize is too large: {sect.Misc.VirtualSize}" ) if sect.SizeOfRawData > size_of_image: raise ValueError( f"Section SizeOfRawData is too large: {sect.SizeOfRawData}" ) if sect is not None: # It doesn't matter if this is too big, because it'll get overwritten by the later layers sect_size = conversion.round( sect.Misc.VirtualSize, section_alignment, up=True ) sectheader =, sect_header_size) sectheader = self.replace_header_field( sect, sectheader, sect.PointerToRawData, sect.VirtualAddress ) sectheader = self.replace_header_field( sect, sectheader, sect.SizeOfRawData, sect_size ) sectheader = self.replace_header_field( sect, sectheader, sect.Misc.VirtualSize, sect_size ) offset = start_addr + (counter * sect_header_size) yield offset, sectheader counter += 1
[docs] class IMAGE_NT_HEADERS(objects.StructType):
[docs] def get_sections(self) -> Generator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, None, None]: """Iterate through the section headers for this PE file. Yields: <_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER> objects """ layer_name = self.vol.layer_name symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table_name() sect_header_size = self._context.symbol_space.get_type( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER" ).size start_addr = ( self.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + self.OptionalHeader.vol.offset ) for i in range(self.FileHeader.NumberOfSections): sect_addr = start_addr + (i * sect_header_size) yield self._context.object( symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER", offset=sect_addr, layer_name=layer_name, )
class_types = { "_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER": IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, # the 32- and 64-bit extensions behave the same way, but the underlying structure is different "_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS": IMAGE_NT_HEADERS, "_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64": IMAGE_NT_HEADERS, }